Turbofire Stretch

I am just getting started with Turbofire and am wondering do you have to do the 10 minute stretch? What benefit do you get from stretching for 10 minutes?


  • stoddartsl
    what a good question!! I would say that if you Google this question you will find a ton of great information on how GREAT stretching is for your body!!! Good Luck!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    stretching is very good for you, but honestly, I never have the time to do it! But it does help promote long lean muscles...so..I say do it when you have the time :)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    You won't be saying that after you spend 8 weeks rehabbing an injury that could have been prevented with just an extra 10 minutes of stretching after each workout. Ask me how I know...
  • meljean30
    meljean30 Posts: 22
    Stretching can seem so yawn... for some.. i LOVE being limber and loose. I did the 40 min stretch and it was 1000 times more awesome that i had thought it was!!! Unless you like to be tight and more sore than necessary.. BEND over and get long! :)