Guys, you're killing me!



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Please don't let that affect you're opinion of me.
  • amie1004
    amie1004 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you for posting.... simple spelling errors kill me. You should see some of the tickets our reps send to our dispatchers at work. I think they have their own language sometimes. My favorite is "comprend" somewhere between comprehend and comprende' (<----not sure of the spelling on that one my Spanish is rusty)

    Ha Ha! Love it!

    How about one of my professors writing on my paper that I "need to improve my grammer".....needless to say, I wasn't to thrilled......

    (just checking if the grammar police were paying attention ;) .... did you see it? :) )
  • Another favourite is "of" instead of 've....

    for example

    "I could of tried and should of learned to spell..."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    So you know you just spelled favorite wrong right?

    That's the correct way to spell it everywhere but America, I believe.

    You have a valid reason for your spelling and grammar errors. It is probably safe to say that most of the people who post on here do not.

    My brother has several LDs and my Hubby is dyslexic and they both know the difference in most of the things that are being pointed out here and I don't cut them any slack in my grammar nazisms for their disabilities either. :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Another favourite is "of" instead of 've....

    for example

    "I could of tried and should of learned to spell..."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    So you know you just spelled favorite wrong right?

    Actually she didn't. That's how it's spelled in every English speaking country except the US (Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, etc). Only in the US is it spelled "favorite". Same with "colour", "neighbour", etc.
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you for posting.... simple spelling errors kill me. You should see some of the tickets our reps send to our dispatchers at work. I think they have their own language sometimes. My favorite is "comprend" somewhere between comprehend and comprende' (<----not sure of the spelling on that one my Spanish is rusty)

    Ha Ha! Love it!

    How about one of my professors writing on my paper that I "need to improve my grammer".....needless to say, I wasn't to thrilled......

    (just checking if the grammar police were paying attention ;) .... did you see it? :) )

    I saw it - "toO thrilled" :smile:

    As an English teacher, I've wrestled with the idea of "correcting" people quite a bit throughout my life. Should we promote more proper grammar and spelling? Sure. Is it worth it if you're making people feel like they can't come here and seek support in losing weight without fear of people ridiculing them for the way they spell something? Probably not.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Another favourite is "of" instead of 've....

    for example

    "I could of tried and should of learned to spell..."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    So you know you just spelled favorite wrong right?

    Actually she didn't. That's how it's spelled in every English speaking country except the US (Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, etc). Only in the US is it spelled "favorite". Same with "colour", "neighbour", etc.

    hehehe... have an American correct my English... now THAT is funny!!! :wink:
  • I joined this sight to help loose alot of wait, not to half to put up with the grammar police!
  • readyforchange
    readyforchange Posts: 34 Member
    Wow...... PETTY....... That's all I have to say.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I just thought the whole point of this site is to be supportave of each other not point out peoples mistakes.I get it everyday everywhere.Now Im just thinking back on everything ive ever posted thinking what mistakes i might have made. Grammer and spelling nazies always come of like they are trying to point out how much smarter than you they are.Just let it be a missspelled word or messed up grammer isnt hurting anyone,and it makes people feel bad to have it pointed out to them.why would you want to do that?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Another favourite is "of" instead of 've....

    for example

    "I could of tried and should of learned to spell..."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    So you know you just spelled favorite wrong right?

    Hmm don't know why my response to this was deleted, but here goes (exactly what I wrote last time):

    No she did not spell favourite incorrectly. That's how it's spelled in every English speaking country except the US.
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    so I only have one that bugs me really, and I don't care how you spell things, as long as you try to proncounce them correctly. The one that bugs me is axed for asked!

    pacific for specific: it is possible they have a speech issue or are dyslexic as they are switching the positions of the s and p.
  • I didn't see where she was calling a person out on this.....just pointing out a common mistake. A typo is a typo but if I were the one making the same spelling errors over and over again, I would hope someone would point it out to me so I could stop looking like an idiot. Just like if I had something between my teeth or my zipper down.......know what I mean?

    And another example:

    Are for Or

    Do you want rice are potatoes for supper?

    It happens all the time here in South Louisiana :)
  • I've learned to ignore basic spelling and grammar errors on the internet. But I do remember one of my friends once spelling "women" as "wimmin"...

    That's just unforgivable.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I just thought the whole point of this site is to be supportave of each other not point out peoples mistakes.I get it everyday everywhere.Now Im just thinking back on everything ive ever posted thinking what mistakes i might have made. Grammer and spelling nazies always come of like they are trying to point out how much smarter than you they are.Just let it be a missspelled word or messed up grammer isnt hurting anyone,and it makes people feel bad to have it pointed out to them.why would you want to do that?

    No one is trying to say that anyone is smarter than anyone else. Some people just have pet peeves, bad grammar happens to be one for many people and we're all free to discuss whatever we like. If you don't think it's an appropriate conversation, there's an easy solution: don't read the thread.
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    sorry bad day shouldn't haven't posted.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Don't get upset because someone started this thread - it's not as if they started a thread about a specific person to make fun of them. If it hurts one's feelings to have someone point out his or her mistakes in general (without even specifying the person) then the problem is with that person.
    For the record I don't think in my head "oh what an idiot, etc etc". Not at all. It just makes me angry that parents/teachers/society have failed children and young adults to the point where many can hardly put a coherent sentence together. Of course personal responsibility comes into this too.. after a certain age, if someone notices that they are making common and embarrassing grammar/spelling mistakes, he or she should take it upon themselves to improve in that area (barring the 0.1% that have suffered a brain injury).
  • I can't wait to see how much I "way" today!

  • You people are cracking me up! I haven't been on long enough to notice that I guess but I have one that gets me too: yea and yeah are not the same!
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Another favourite is "of" instead of 've....

    for example

    "I could of tried and should of learned to spell..."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    So you know you just spelled favorite wrong right?

    Actually she didn't. That's how it's spelled in every English speaking country except the US (Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, etc). Only in the US is it spelled "favorite". Same with "colour", "neighbour", etc.

    Liberia is an English speaking country that spells them without the u. :happy:

    You know what is really messed up? The British invented the words aluminum and soccer and now make fun of Americans for using them.
  • Maybe the person has a learning disability and all you are doing is making fun of them. I'm beginning to remember why I hate posting on community boards.

    Or perhaps some of the people using the site aren't as educated as others, and maybe, just maybe, it took guts and courage to come onto this site to try and make a difference to their lives; just to feel out of place yet again because of their bad spelling.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again ' must be nice to be perfect' and this post belongs under general chit chat.
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