The BBW/BHM Challenge - Till March 20th



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    2 days till weigh in! Hope I've lost! Even with my massive roast yesterday I still made it under my cals - Phew! Let's just hope that's reflected on the scales on Wednesday...

    Was up early with the kids so hoping today isn't going to be a struggle with hunger today and constant snacking.... But then I'm out tonight at my Spanish lesson so I'll be able to snack from 8-9.30pm....

    Hope everyone's having/had a good Monday!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    2 days till weigh in! Hope I've lost! Even with my massive roast yesterday I still made it under my cals - Phew! Let's just hope that's reflected on the scales on Wednesday...

    Was up early with the kids so hoping today isn't going to be a struggle with hunger today and constant snacking.... But then I'm out tonight at my Spanish lesson so I'll be able to snack from 8-9.30pm....

    Hope everyone's having/had a good Monday!

    Just done a sneaky step on the scales and it's looking good! woohoo!
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    Name or name you would like to be called: Amanda or Manda
    Age (only if you want to): 21
    Location: San Antonio, TX
    Height: 4'11"
    CW: 230lbs
    GW: 140lbs
    GW by march 20th : 215lbs
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I collect old school Nintendo!
    Is this party still open for more members?..If yes, I'd like to join!
    You can call me:B
    Age: 60
    CW: 164.4
    GW: 135
    GW by March 29th: 149
    Something interesting about me or a random fact: I just cleaned out both of my refrigerators and had thing in there
    That had been expired since 2006...for REAL! So proud. I hate to clean out the refrigerator...but liking it is not a pre requisition, so I did it...
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    Do you have room for one more? Oh nevermind! I see now all the spots are taken. DARN!! Well I may just follow this thread anyway for motivation if you don't mind. Onward and downward!!
    OOOPs . Looks like I'm too late too! I guess we could start a new in!
  • TexasTKD9
    you can still join if you want to!
  • TexasTKD9

    Let's do this everyone!!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    How's everyone feeling about the weigh in tomorrow?? x
  • TexasTKD9
    errrmmmm not too sure of myself! LOL but i'm starting fresh this week so I should be able to catch up! It doesn't help that my father in law keeps bringing home cheese burgers for everyone!!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    cheese burgers?! what a meany!! I'm sure it'll be fine... I'm interested to see if I've lost... week 2 won't be as much as week 1 I would imagine...

    Trying to be really good tonight so going to get the kids off to bed and do a bit of exercise I think....

    Hope it all goes well for you tomorrow! Keep resisting those cheeseburgers! x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Just did my weigh in. 104.6 kgs, 230.6lbs. I am thrilled with the loss but am now convinced that I was retaining a lot of fluid at last weigh in (TOM) which was 9 days ago. Have now changed my weigh ins to wednesdays. Would love to lose this amount each week but am realistic to know its not me, I like it to be manageable with my life style. As in eating enough not to be hungry and fitting my execise in to my lifestyle, not letting it take over my life. I am now trying not to emotional eat. I have family in North Queensland, Australia and they are preparing for the biggest cyclone ever to hit the area. It is to hit during a high tide, so My sister has had to already leave her beautiful home one street back from beach and has gone to my brother. He lives on a side of a mountain, high up, but in a tall pole house, cyclone proof built, but I guess this will be the test we didn't want. Hope everyone is happy with their weigh in and have a wonderful wednesday. Cheers Jenni.
  • summer_angel
    summer_angel Posts: 8 Member
    I just found this thread two days ago, so I may not lose anything by tomorrow. Nonetheless, it's nice to have a group of "losers" in the same boat. I look forward to seeing less of you all!!!!
    Jenny, keep us updated about your family! Prayers and good thoughts go out to your family and others facing the storm.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi all

    Wednesday here, weighed in at 93kg or 205 lbs, a massive 3.5kg or 8lb loss. I knew this week would be a big one as it's my first week on MFP, I often start diets but lose my mojo part way through, and I often lose a lot in the first week, but I honestly think this is a record! I'm so chuffed. My triathlon I did gave me an extra 750 kcals, and I was a little worried about scoffing all those (though I coped!)

    I'm really looking forward to the challenges of next week! I have another little triathlon on Saturday, which means I can eat out again!!! LOL!

    Good luck to everyone else

  • TexasTKD9
    Hey everyone!
    First off Jenni please keep us informed and prayers are going out for you and your family :heart:
    Secondly Congratulations to Rachy for such a big drop this week!! :bigsmile:
    Is everyone ready for the weigh in tomorrow?!?!?
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I was really nervous about the weigh in because I wasn't losing much weight BUT this morning I had a break through and lost 2 lbs! Probably largely water weight but it still counts. :-) Congratulations, Rachy, on such an amazing drop!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i'm nervous to weigh in! i'm PMSing so that will probs add TONS of water weight...but we'll see!
  • TexasTKD9
    Ok guys we are going to start doing mini challenges!! I've assigned you all to teams for this week. Next week you will switch teammates!

    The teams are as follows::

    TEAM 1: trujamaican & joeytroy
    TEAM 2: Jmcneil (jmcneil) & cmirsaidi (Cameron)
    TEAM 3: TexasTKD9 (Amanda/me) & alw2007 (Alaina)
    TEAM 4: Hannastyrbjorn (Hanna) & chiliflea (Claire)
    TEAM 5: VezNo1 (V) & joemoe82 (Joe)
    TEAM 6: Kal2202 (Kalliste) & jellyfishjen (Jenni)
    TEAM 7: dainj (Inji) & rachypompa (Rachy)
    TEAM 8: Mariposa187 (Vivian) & summer_angel (Stephanie or Steph)
    TEAM 9: mnproctor (Flo) & justbnme (Monifa)
    TEAM 10: calliope_music (Chani) & winterbreeze (Jessie/Jess)
    TEAM 11: bbb84 (Brenda) & jmwolffyy (Jan)
    TEAM 12: atrayubrandy (Brandy) & missjenbug (Jenny)
    TEAM 13: angelbabe77 (Veronica), celeste2u (Celeste) & Bmorrow (B)

    You all will get your challenge tomorrow so be looking in your inboxes for the link to the new thread!
    I would like you all to add your partner(s) and get to know each other and keep in contact with each other throughout the week for the challenge.

    Let's have fun and please post your weigh ins tomorrow!!
  • alw2007
    I'm a little nervous about tomorrow's weigh in. I had trouble getting motivated to exercise this week. I did come in under my calorie goal each day, but it was close a few times.
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Teams and mini challenges? I like the sound of that! :D
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    So its now wednesday in sweden. my weight for this week is 101 kg/222.2 lbs :)

    GL to y'all
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    HI Guys, well done to all the losers!!! Me I have stayed the same this week, I went over on Saturday and Monday. I reckon I'll show a loss by the end of the week, so next wed should be good for me!!
