
:sad: :sad: :sad:

bit gutted that my loss has shrunk from 12lbs to 7lbs but hey ho - to be expected after the drinking sesh and steak sandwich on saturday night... At least I didn't put it all back on!!!

And tbh this is a mid week weigh in for a challenge so 7lbs in 15 days isn't too bad!

Off to the gym I go!!



  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    That's pretty good going! :happy:

    I've got Christmas Dinner to go to tonight! It was postponed from December cos we were all snowed in. A bit of festive cheer for January, together with Secret Santa. Will be a calorie-fest :drinker: :devil:
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Let that be a lesson to you, young lady! *wags finger*

    LOL Just kidding. As long as you enjoyed yourself, that's what matters.

    Curious: Do you think you'd do it differently next time? The pub is one place I struggle to maintain any willpower!
  • nichole_pickle
    wow chiliflea 7lbs in 15 days is still amazing, you should be proud of yourself! And at least it gives you another kick up the a*** when you think you can relax a little bit, keep going at it hun.

    And I hope it was a good drinking sesh lol!

    I'm having drinks and my friends famous amazing lasagne tonight, which is made with lots and lots of cheese......trying to decide should I be good all day and work out at lunchtime to make up for it, or should I drive tonight and just have one glass of wine??

    Anyway, well done and dont be disheartened - we still have to live and enjoy ourselves after all!

    PS SueGeer Enjoy your Christmas dinner! That sounds like great fun in a dreary january! I'm jealous!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm not a big drinker so it was a one off for mine and my friend's birthdays so hopefully i won't be getting into any horrific shapes again soon!! But it was a good night!

    Enjoy your Christmas dinner tonight SueGeer - i'm only a little bit jealous!

    I think a bit of a blow out every now and again is good - reminds you what you're trying to do.. 80% good 20% bad I was once told!

    Back on it now - and I have a very bruised knee from falling over a bit tiddly - my just deserts for having that steak burger!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You have a great attitude!! We all have these nights, it's inevitable.. but good for yuou for not getting discouraged! And great job on your loss so far :)