Things that should earn you extra calories - but don't...



  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    spending four hours pouring over my food diary for the last few weeks trying to figure out where i am going wrong.
  • ...Still hearing the cadence count from the work out video....4 hours later!:laugh:
  • dmb0174
    dmb0174 Posts: 31
    Staying up all night with not one but TWO sick kids!
  • Whipping the non-fat, no-sugar pudding cream for 2 minutes as recommended on the package. My right arm was hurting.
    That should earn you the right to a second half cup of pudding, right?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Having to pee 60 times a day because of all the water you're drinking.

    Having Wii Zumba songs stuck in your head all day at work.

    Minimizing MFP dozens of times when coworkers walk by because you're addicted and have to check the message board at work!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I think mood swings and hard days should count--I know when I am fed up and trying not to start yelling at people, my heart rate is definitely higher than normal so theoretically I should be burning calories!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Putting on makeup and doing your hair every morning so you can look presentable at work.

    Dealing with *kitten* at work who don't want to put up with you because you are a female and work in a Man's World. (normally this doesn't get to me too much, but I am pmsing lol).
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104

    Minimizing MFP dozens of times when coworkers walk by because you're addicted and have to check the message board at work!

    LOL - I was doing this just before I came to your post!!!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Standing up on the bus all the way to work because there's no spare seats.

    On the plus side, you do get in a bit of a core workout keeping your balance by doing that. :)
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Having to make two different dinners, one for the boyfriend and a healthier one for myself. Then resisting temptation to take a bite of his.

    Here are a few that come to my mind today:

    Eating your cold salad while your co-workers eat their hot/meaty/cheesy paninis and creamy soup on a cold day! (Happened yesterday)

    Doing 5 millions things at once while your heart is racing and your boss does NOTHING! (Happens every day)

    Any activity/walking/ exercise done out the cold (It was like 2 degrees here this week!) burns more calories while you're body is fighting to keep warm...just wish it was a LOT more calories.

    Commuting to work on the snow! Why can't we just have a damn snow day already like the kids get?!

    Oh...and finally.... Don't you wish you could burn calories just by reading about work outs. I read them and think to myself, "Now how do I do that?! By the time I figure out the move, I say forget i!)

  • bmbellamy
    bmbellamy Posts: 51 Member
    Successfully applied willpower should double all calorie expenditures for the day, if not the WEEK.

    Lifting the scale to place it in front of you for weekly weigh-ins should be counted for extra calorie burn.

    And, if STRESS could burn calories, I wouldn't be needing this site and the support contained within!

  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    Parent teacher conferences.

    If those don't get my blood pumping, I don't know what does.
  • Staying up all night with not one but TWO sick kids!

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