Slimming World UK


Joining slimming world tonight, I have lost 12 pounds so far counting calories using this amazing app on my phone, but i find my self getting bored, so hopefully with Slimming Worlds 'food optimizing' with certain unlimited foods and weekly weigh ins with group members should give me that 100% motivation back. I'm also going to gym 3x per week mostly doing 10min warm ups on treadmill and 50min sessions on the cross trainer.

Just curious - is anyone or has anyone previously followed Slimming World? Did you lose weight (and how much) and how long did it take you?

L x


  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I lost 3 stones doing slimmng world its a great plan, shame I put it all back on as diets are not for me. Finally realised to keep it off I have to balance my calories with exercise as I love to eat out. But good luck on it, it really does work.
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    Depending on how many calories you have been eating on here, you may find you gain for the first week or two of slimming world. I did when I tried it. Because you are not counting, you may take more calories than you have been. So be prepared to allow your body time to adjust again before you lose (might not happen to you but its best to be prepared)
    Slimming world does work but I found the calorie counting easier in the end and went back to that way.

    Good luck x