Hoping this works!!

missmmaynes Posts: 79 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all! This is day 3 on this site. I am finding it rather hard as I have a daycare in my home and when I'm feeling hungry, I can just go and eat! It takes all of my inner strength to stay out of the kitchen! Anyone else in the same predicament? Also, how long before I notice a change on my scale? If I am good and stay within my calories and am exercising 3 times/week for an hour each time? Thanks for the input! I know I can do this, it will just take time!
Have a great day!!


  • Drink a glass of water. Presto! Instant weight gain on your scale! Now wait a few hours and use the bathroom. Presto! Instant weight loss! Furthermore, all that working out you're doing is going to pack on the muscle, which will cause your weight (but not your fat %) to increase and decrease somewhat more erratically, since most of your "water weight" is stored in muscle tissue.

    In other words, don't focus too much on minor weight fluctuations on your scale. This is why Biggest Loser and other weight loss programs recommend a weekly weigh-in. Your weight will vary significantly over shorter time periods. Other measurements, such as waist size, muscle size, ability to exercise more with less effort, heart rate, body fat percentage, etc, are much better indications of increasing fitness than weight alone.

    If you insist on using the scale as a measurement, take a measurement at the same time every day, and use the average measurement for a particular week as your weight that week. You'll notice a drop (on average) within a couple of weeks.
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    I think it would all depend on what your eating. Food is not always bad, it all depends on what your eating and how much you are eating. You can eat all day, as long as it's healthy food versus junk. Also make sure you drink plenty of water which is very good for you.

    Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • eternalchimera
    eternalchimera Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome aboard!

    Oh I work from home too. I so understand the kitchen being right there! The best thing you can do is make sure the choices you have are good choices. As a for instance.. its way better to grab an apple than a candy bar. Another way, I like to look at working from home is.. I am not a tthe mercy of where I work at snack time. Sometimes we ALL get hungry mid-day! At least you can choose something good from your own well-stocked fridge and pantry, than have to wonder what damage that vending machine snack is gonna do to your waistline AND pocket book.
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Hi I have been on this site for a little over 2 weeks. I also do childcare in my home. I have really tried to shop for things high in fiber and protein. I actually wasn't feeling really hungry ever until this week. I just make sure I eat every 2 hours just something small sometimes just peanut butter on a whole grain piece of bread or with an apple is fine. My daughter has eaten all of my fiber granola bars and high fiber cereal so I need to get to the store. I think that is part of the reason I feel hungry more the last couple days. I know when the kitchen is there it can be so easy to go get something and I say that's not a big problem just make sure you are making a good choice on what you are eating and watch portion size. These have been big for me. Soup has been a good choice for me because the whole can isn't too bad for calories but 1/2 the can is one serving so I will eat 1/2 the can at 12:00 for lunch then eat the other 1/2, 1 or 2 hours later. Friend me if you would like. I weight myself everyday but only record on here once a week. Generally throughout the day you will see many fluctuations. In the 2 weeks I have lost 7 lbs. But this week hasn't started out the best so I hope I can maintain if not loose a little by Monday morning. Good Luck on your journey! This is a great place to get support and ideas.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I don't work from home, but I am a teacher and have constant snack foods available in the staff room. I did start this journey during the summer when I was home all day, and this is what I did: I eat healthy, therefore my family must eat healthy. I don't think your clients are going to mind if their kids get a few more apple slices and a few less Goldfish crackers :happy: The other thing that worked for me: keeping REALLY busy. Nature walks (even in the rain), trips to the park, playing with the kids, etc. I know that childcare can feel like filling in the time between snacks and meals, but you CAN do it! Best of luck.
  • missmmaynes
    missmmaynes Posts: 79 Member
    WOW!!! Thanks everyone for your helpful tips! I have been making healthier choices and in turn the children I care for (and my own 2) are benefitting as well. I am happy to have all of this extra support! Talk about a boost to keep working hard. Thanks again!
    Have a great day!
  • amr_227
    amr_227 Posts: 23
    I do daycare as well. It is hard. But you can do it.

    I have been on this site for about 2 week or so. I have learned to always have a glass of water handy. Another thing I have started is looking at labels and finding things low in calories. When I feel the need to much I grab a low cal. snack. Like 14 quaker rice cakes is a serving (small ones) and I think its a tad bit over 100 cal. I'd have to go look. So I put 14 on the counter. If I feel the need to munch I grab a couple of those. Once they are gone I know how many cal. to track.
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