Warrior Dash - Best Way to Train (have you done it)?



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am doing the one in Colorado in August, anyone else?
    I think after I finish the half-marathon training in August I will try p90x, there are push ups and pullups and that should help, I hear people wear costumes-is anyone planning a costume? I think I want knee pads! I saw pics of a friend who did it last year and she said they had to crawl through the mud and there was gravel in the mud and it really tore up her knees.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Thanks for this! I got on here specifically to search for info on training for WD! I'm so interested in it, but more than a little scared! Have never done anything like that. :bigsmile:

    Same here! I really want to do it since it's something different for me. It's in June here in PA!

    This sounds like soooo much fun! Where in PA is the Warrior Dash???????
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks for this! I got on here specifically to search for info on training for WD! I'm so interested in it, but more than a little scared! Have never done anything like that. :bigsmile:

    Same here! I really want to do it since it's something different for me. It's in June here in PA!

    This sounds like soooo much fun! Where in PA is the Warrior Dash???????

    It's in the Poconos... Albrightsville, which is near Lake Harmony and Hickory Run state park.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    My wife, some friends and I are doing it in PA in June also. I am doing the Couch to 5k (since I am running a 5k) on May 14th for my birthday as part of my training. Then on non running days I am doing different strength training work outs (P90X and Insanity).
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    First ever Warrior Dash in Ontario Canada -July and i'll be there!!! Haven't done it before, but i can't wait. I'm doing P90X right now for the strength--really need to improve my upper body. As soon as the weather gets a little warmer i'll be starting the outdoor running/jogging. Heading for the hills too...since our event is being held at a ski resort i'm going to assume running some hills will help. Going with a good friend of mine who happens to be a personal trainer--she will not kick my butt!!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    I did the warrior dash here in Texas late last fall - it was a blast!!! So far what everyone has said is spot on. It is a fun race, and you just need to be willing to get dirty and have fun. The race is a little different in each location - ours the terrain was really rough (not like a cleared trail or anything) so although I jogged, I was quite slow. I think jogging/running is a good way to prepare. The obstacles are not that hard, more fun -- but doing some push-ups/pull-up type arm strength training probably wouldn't hurt (ours had a rope climb thing - not something where you climbed up the wall, but you climbed over all these criss-crossed ropes - that one was the hardest, definitely took a little bit of upper body).

    Mainly just have fun!!! And get muddy!!!! (And bring an extra top...I wished I had a top to change into after the race for my warrior hat/beer drinking celebration).
  • mariond
    mariond Posts: 1
    I am doing my first WD this August at Whistler/Blackcomb
    I think the ideal thing to do is study your route map and sort out what you need physically to complete it.
    The run in Whistler features some hills, running up the ski slope no less so I will be adding hill training to my runs (I already do 10K's and at that time will be in a 1/2 marathon clinic)
    Also at the BC race the obsitcles seem to be upper body based so I will be wanting to work on my upper body strength

    That all said I just want to go have a blast and not get beaten by the course
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I'm doing this for the first time in Oregon in September ... the weekend after the Race for the Cure ... I can't wait!
  • valdrix1975
    Doing ours in OK... :) ready to have some fun! Instead of trying to win tho...I think I will enjoy a brew and make it a team building event. Much better plan I think.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I too am doing the WD in whistler this August & sooooo excited about it!!
    The couch to 5K program would definitely be helpful if you are a beginniner. I'm doing interval training to get ready.
    It is a fun event, so keep that in mind & enjoy yourself! I'm going with a few girlfriends, it will surely be a FUN weekend!!
    good luck!
  • myndee
    myndee Posts: 19 Member
    some friends and I have signed up for the OK Warrior Dash also in Sept!! I'm soooo excited! :drinker:
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I will also be doing warrior dash. I have a lot of friends who i wouldn't call athletic complete it last year. It sounds like just a fun challenging course rather than something that is more finish time focused. Good luck!!!
  • lipps2012
    My friend and I just signed up for WD, too. We have NO idea what we're doing, but are excited about the adventure. There is a strength training portion on the actual website. I've pulled it up and printed it. I think if we just go with it, it will be fine. Like you, my goal is to complete it!

    Good luck!
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I'm doing one in June. Here to get some pointers.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member

    Pa location and course. It is at the Pocono Race way. I am supposed to do it with friends but have an issue with heights and the repelling kinda concerns me, but I may do it and skip that obstacle, I do not care if I get disqualified, I am going to have fun and do my best.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I'm also doing the WD (Ontario, Canada) July 21st - it's not our first one, I did it last year! If you can run a 5k and you workout regularly, you won't have any problems (you'll just get really dirty!)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I did Warrior Dash in Minnesota last year and was worried about the obstacles but they were so not a problem (and this coming from someone with a weak upper body!). I love it and am signed up to do it again this year. As with any race, those competing for times will start at the front of the pack and stay there and those just wanting to have fun will stick to the back.

    There really isn't any training necessary if you're a somewhat active person who isn't afraid to just go for it. My sister did no training, other than walking on the treadmill and the boyfriend did no training other than our typical weekend hiking. I was running, but didn't do any strength training. We all finished within four minutes of each other.

    I highly recommend costumes, though. Oh, and tie your shoes tighter than you think you want them to be or the mud will suck them right off your foot! You can donate shoes after Warrior Dash at the sites, throw shoes away (I did that) or wash them (boyfriend did that). Bring alternative footwear if donating there because the flip flops they sell are a bit spendy.

    No matter what, just have fun!!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    Interesting detail from a friend - I had asked about his experience and how he trained. Is it OK to walk if needed, etc... Here is his response below (Names changed to protect the innocent)

    # # #

    FriendA did it last year with me and he never trained for it. Really, it's not very serious. Much of the course is single track trails, so you are likely to get caught behind someone else walking anyway. The obstacles were not that tough, the toughest was a rope wall, but that was easy for most anyway.

    Really, you just got be willing to get muddy and have a good time. There will be people actually racing (Wifes's friend got second overall for the entire day!), but they'll be at the start. Conversely, there were people already drunk that almost fell over before it even started. there were TONS of college kids, made me feel like an old man.

    I'd really just jog for 30 minutes straight to train, so that you are used to your heart pounding for that long. Or, start running. Don't worry about training for obstacles, but pushups and pullups would make you a beast.

    I second your friend's advice. I am a runner but found most of the time you were caught behind others and ended up waiting for your turn on the obstacle. For the most part it really was all about having fun with a group of friends. I'd say your regular routine is probably just fine. If you add in a C25K program you'd be more than ready. It was fun to do once but I don't think I'd do another. Have fun and be safe!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I'm training for Tough Mudder in December, which is similar to Warrior Dash but 10-12 miles instead of 3. I'm doing C25K to get up on the running (and then probably moving to a more serious running training program) and working on core strength for the obstacles. The key to most of them is your ability to support and maneuver your own body weight, so pushups, pull ups, core holds, and a variety of ab exercises are essential. Other than that, just mix in your other workouts into the training for variety and over all fitness.
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    They just did the one in Central Florida 2 weeks ago. I missed it :grumble: Bummer. Guess I can try next year :bigsmile: