Could use some constructive criticism

Please review my food diary and give me some tips of what I'm doing both wrong and right. I've been eating well (I think),drinking lots of water, cutting out most sodium rich foods, and exercising, yet the weight isn't really coming off like I thought it would. While I know some of that is building muscle, I would feel better knowing that I'm doing the right things.


  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Everything looks pretty good the only think I would suggest is maybe adding a few more calories. You need to make sure you're consuming all of your base calories that MFP allows you plus 50-75% of your exercise calories. I'm struggling with the concept too but I'm learning that if you don't do these things your body isn't getting enough calories to function so it's holding on to fat. Good luck!
  • salmonpi
    Your diet looks good, but I think you could stand to eat a little more. Try and eat at least half of your exercise calories. Also, I see you joined recently and already lost 4 lbs? That sounds to me like you're doing pretty well!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You look like you are doing great. But you are not eating enough, you are eating as if you don't workout. MFP is set up to give you your exercise calories back as you already have a caloric deficit without exercise to lose weight. By not eating your exercise calories you caloric deficit may become too large, which can cause your metabolism to slow down and when you do lose weight much of it will come from muscle.

    Try eating 50-75% of your exercise calories back if you are using the machines numbers or MFP's estimates. If you are using a HRM you should eat back 90% of them, or back out the cals you would have burned if you didn't workout as the HRM counts total cals burned and MFP already gives you an allowance for that time. i.e. if you burn 300 cals in 30 min according to your HRM you should back out about 1.25/min that you would have burned had you not worked out so in MFP you would enter 262 (300-38) 38 is 1.25*30min
  • theTX4
    theTX4 Posts: 25
    I'm really trying to eat more. I guess I'll have to be more purposeful about it. I lost most of those 4lbs right at first, when I cut out a lot of the junk, so I'm sure it's just water weight.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    My first thought is to high five you for all those veggies! You don't see that nearly enough these days. Maybe throw a piece of fruit in for a snack, that would be my first thought. I'd find a way to work in a few more calories and it looks like you're a bit light on the fruit side so this is perfect. Great job!
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi there! I think it's great you have sought out some feedback on your diary!

    I took a look at the last 1-2 weeks, and honestly... The food you're eating seems to be really good. And your water intake is fantastic!!

    So... couple thoughts to consider...

    1) I noticed your remaining calories total usually between 300-500. Perhaps narrow that deficit? Maybe your body is needing a little more fuel and is going into starvation mode (doesn't seem entirely likely in this case, but something to consider). I'm assuming the "calorie goal" is higher because it's factoring in your exercise... Perhaps it's just as simple as eating more of those exercise calories.

    2) Be patient. Took me 3.5 weeks to finally see any movement on the scale again after hitting a dumb plateau.

    3) Consider "shocking" your system for 1-3 days... Either have one day where you splurge and whatever the heck you want, then go back to the normal routine. Or try the opposite... Do some sort of 3-day cleanse (be it Beachbody's Shakeology or something) to shock/jumpstart the body again.

    4) Measurements? Have you been keeping track of those? Perhaps the inches are going down because muscle is leaner than fat... the scale may say the same, but you may be getting slimmer!

    Those are all the thoughts I have for now. I wish you luck!!!!! It can be so frustrating!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Yep I'd try eating more. I noticed on the 17th you only allowed your body 255 cals to function off of [1223 (eaten) - 968 (exercise cals)]. That is way too few. Your body needs energy to make energy otherwise it stores your calories in fear that you will not provide anymore. Too long of this routine and you risk slowing your metabolism.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    The content looks pretty good, the only suggestion I would make is to eat a bit more. You are working out pretty strenuously and not really eating any of those calories back. So if you are eating 1300 calories and you work out for 300-400, your net calories is only 900-1000. For most people, that isn't nearly enough. I'd up my calories to include at least 1/2 of all exercises, and to never net less than 1200.

    Also, I would start tracking sugar and sodium. You might really be surprised at how much sodium is in some processed foods (it adds up!!) and a lot of times, sugar is added to fat free foods to make them taste better, which isn't good for your glucose.

    Also, it takes time. You started here this month, so can't have been at it very long. It might take your body a few weeks to decide to let go of the fat. Have you lost anything at all? Even a pound or two is progress!! :)
  • fdonhauser
    I agree, you need more calories to keep your metabolism up and fuel your body. I know it seems crazy to have to eat more, thats how I was feeling at least. I thought if I was short on my calories that I'd lose faster (the people on Biggest Loser only eat like 1,000 calories a day and burn crazy calories!), but I wasn't losing. Then one day I went a little over my calories and the next day I had gone down a little! Just keep those added calories healthy.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You're diet looks real nice, but this is what I'm seeing.
    * unless last Thursday was a special occasion I would stay away from the simple carbs found in your alcohol.
    * I think you need to track your sodium along with your carbs, fats, and protein. Try to increase your calories and stay under 2,400 mg of sodium a day.
    * don't be afraid of protein. I would decrease your carb intake a bit and increase your protein intake. Protein helps with muscle recovery.
    * you may want to supplement with more eggs or a protein shake to get slightly more calories. I love BSN Lean Dessert protein and BSN Syntha-6 (20 grams per scoop).
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I think you need to eat your exercise calories. At least half of them. MFP has set you at a 1000 calorie deficit and then you're adding 300-500 more calories with exercise. That is a lot of deficit for a woman. I truly believe, because it worked for me, that you need to eat the calories MFP sets for you. You will lose more weight and you will be a much happier person in the losing phase of your journey to a healthier you.

    These are just my opinions, you have to do what you feel comfortable with. Good luck on you journey. I wish you all the best.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think your diet looks good. You need to eat more. It looks like you keep netting well below 1200. I made my food diary public so you can view mine. I really have to struggle to eat back my exercise calories. Don't be afraid to do that. It will give you more energy to make the most of the workouts you are doing.
    You're doing good with your water. Keep that up.
  • theTX4
    theTX4 Posts: 25
    Edorice - yes, last Thursday was a special occasion. It was a girls night out with my friends, which only happens every few months.

    So protein, fruit. I've been trying to add fruit to every meal, since I've gotten the hang of adding veggies to almost every meal. Any particular fruits better than others? Right now citrus and berries are in season and cheap.
  • seachelle
    seachelle Posts: 69 Member
    The foods your eating look good. It looks as if you need to up your calorie intake as well as add more protein and less carbs. Steer clear of alcohol. Not that carbs are bad but more protein will help keep you full and help build muscle. Also watch sodium and sugar levels. Are you follow a specific diet meal plan or just going with what MFP suggested for you?