Looking for Motivation from others!!

Last January I finally decided to get healthy. I started going to the gym at least 5 times a week, did ZUMBA at least twice a week, and ate healthy. By the end of May I lost 23 pounds and felt amazing!! Working out and being conscious of what i ate became part of my routine and my lifestyle.

When School started in September I started to get stressed and start to pull away from my healthy living. It wasn't until November when I really let everything, school & the holidays, get in the way of my healthy eating and gym time. I was certified in October to teach ZUMBA and was teaching twice a week, this was the only exercise I was getting which in my opinion is not enough especially when you're eating whatever you want!

After gaining back some weight and not feeling up to par, I knew it was time for a lifestyle change but this time I am determined to stick with it no matter what life throws at me. I am here looking for motivation from other people and I would be happy to give motivation to others as well -- "People helping people. It's a beautiful thing." - Wedding Crashers LOL


  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Sounds like you've got a great attitude! I'm sure you'll do awesome. There are lots of very supportive and friendly people on here who will be willing to help you. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    You can do it girlie and this is the place for motivation and support! I have stuck with my new journey for 3 weeks now because of MFP.
  • bgrego61
    bgrego61 Posts: 2 Member
    Wedding Crashers is a great movie!! You have to laugh in life....speaking of laughing, I am going to try Zumba. I don't care if people laugh a me because of my lack of grace--or even if there are no other guys in the room. It looks like a lot of fun, hard work. I get bored on a treadmill, so I watch the Food Network while exercising. I don't recommend that--maybe I should download some random podcasts or just listen to music.

    I have been eating whatever I like for a long time. I just started here a week and a half ago, and I have exceeded my short term goals--why? Well, I hold myself accountable for every thing I eat, and if I meet the goal, I meet it. If I go way over calories (that usually means I'm in a social situation i.e. Bears Packers game party), I try to make up for it later on.

    There are great tools on this website, including myself =) Seriously, The best thing about this website is the ability to gain and give accountability and motivation. This is something I lacked my entire life, with the exception of when I met with a personal trainer once a week.

    So to give you motivation today: "YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!! ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!" --The Waterboy
  • Shay127
    Shay127 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I feel more motivated already!!! And bgrego61, Waterboy is one of my favorite movies of all time! And ZUMBA is amazing because its meant to be fun and instructors should encourage that doing things your own way is perfectly fine, just keep moving. If you try it let me know how it goes!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT, get in the game, no excuses, one step at a time, keep on keeping on, Keep your eye on the prize, light at the end of the tunnel, Life is a journey; started with one step, Feel the burn, you are what you eat.

    There that is my motivation speech for the day. 