Newbie with Maintenance in Mind

Hi everyone... I'm looking for some friends! :p I'm hitting the age of 29 this February and my new year's resolution is to simply eat well and keep excercise in my life. I've put a 5 lb weight loss as my goal but I'm thinking that if I do I'm thrilled and if I don't maybe that's my body saying this is my base weight for me. I'm looking for all types of friends. I myself had to shed 20 lbs about 5 years ago. Since then I've had two boys, first one I gained 60ish lbs and second 25ish - can you tell which one I just ate whatever? lol I've shed those lbs with healthy diet and exercise. Anyway I know those of u who hit their goal have realized the determination doesn't lessen, it's a life change! Hoping this group keeps me in check ;oP