my favorite healthy recipe book

My favorite healthy recipe book is lately is called Hungry Girl. It has everything low cal: appetizers, breakfasts,sandwiches, dinners, desserts, & even cocktails : )

I believe the author even has a show on the cooking channel on Saturday mornings...I haven't seen it yet but look forward to watching it.


  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    You can also subscribe to the website and get daily newsletters from Hungry Girl.
  • CiCiSlim
    I'll have to check it out...I've been looking for a good recipe book. Thanks!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I've looked through the site many many times and I'm afraid I have to be the odd ball out and just say it, I HATE HUNGRY

    Ok hate is strong but here are the cons;

    - Recipes are not organized by category (appetizers, mains, dessert, drinks etc.) this is a HUGE flaw!

    - Recipes have cute names but w/o categories it takes 2x as long to find something you want. You end up clicking something with a funny name to see that it’s a drink not an entrée.

    - Most items listed involve crazy processed foods, sugar-free this and that which isn't natural. Its ok occasionally but I can't live off of it.

    - Most recipes involve 10+ items. That’s silly especially since 8 of t hose items aren’t different vegetables so what the heck are you putting into your meal and then your body?
  • lisamt83
    lisamt83 Posts: 119
    Yes!!! Lisa Lillien!! I LOVE her!!
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    I love Hungry Girl because they have so many good swaps.

    My only warning to folks who haven't used the older cookbooks or website is most of the recipes don't make enough for a family. It's usually one or two servings so you will need to do a little math if you want to feed the family. I guess that's why it's Hungry Girl and not Hungry Family.

    Also, some of the serving sizes are unrealistic to get the calories down. I made a moca pie and the serving was 1/18th of a pie. That's around an inch wide slice.

    Tons of processed ingredients. Not alot of natural or whole foods. It's okay occasionally if you need to make something to meet a craving.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I've looked through the site many many times and I'm afraid I have to be the odd ball out and just say it, I HATE HUNGRY

    Ok hate is strong but here are the cons;

    - Recipes are not organized by category (appetizers, mains, dessert, drinks etc.) this is a HUGE flaw!

    - Recipes have cute names but w/o categories it takes 2x as long to find something you want. You end up clicking something with a funny name to see that it’s a drink not an entrée.

    - Most items listed involve crazy processed foods, sugar-free this and that which isn't natural. Its ok occasionally but I can't live off of it.

    - Most recipes involve 10+ items. That’s silly especially since 8 of t hose items aren’t different vegetables so what the heck are you putting into your meal and then your body?

    I agree with what you're saying to an extent. Honestly, I don't think Hungry-Girl is supposed to be a "every night of the week" kind of cookbook. I use their recipes strictly for when I want a treat without going crazy. They have some wonderful appetizers and desserts that will please your friends' taste buds without throwing off your diet. Also, their website was never meant to be a recipe database, which is why it isn't organized, it's just a compilation of their newsletters. I agree, there's a ton of over-processed and fake things in there, but when you have a craving, it makes for some good ways to handle it without really falling off the wagon.

    As with all things... moderation I suppose :tongue:
  • cataplexyfever

    - Most items listed involve crazy processed foods, sugar-free this and that which isn't natural. Its ok occasionally but I can't live off of it.

    - Most recipes involve 10+ items. That’s silly especially since 8 of t hose items aren’t different vegetables so what the heck are you putting into your meal and then your body?

    Totally agree.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    though i have not tried this one...I will be!

    Healthy Buffalo Wing Dip
    2-3 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    1/2 cup - 3/4 cup 99% fat-free chicken broth
    1/2 cup - 3/4 cup Franks' Red Hot Sauce (amount used depends on amount of chicken and how saucy you like it.)
    Celery sticks and bleu cheese dressing for dipping; served on the side
    Slice the breasts into 1" wide strips.

    Spray a non-stick frying pan with cooking spray and brown the chicken until it's cooked through.

    Mix together chicken broth and Franks' Red Hot Sauce and add them to the chicken.

    Lower the heat, cover the pan, and simmer the chicken for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce has thickened and is coating the chicken in a beautiful, glossy layer of spicy goodness.

    You can adjust the hotness of the chicken by adding more or less hot sauce in proportion to the chicken broth. For folks who like their wings on the mild side, 1/4 cup of hot sauce to 3/4 of broth might help keep the "heat" down. If you like your wings to be incendiary, or nuclear, as we like to say, then increase the hot sauce and decrease the broth.

    Serve them with the prerequisite celery sticks and (low-fat) blue cheese dressing on the side. It's as close to an authentic Buffalo Wing experience as possible, without destroying your diet.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    just realized i posted this in the wrong topic! sorry!
  • rache12581
    I deffinatly don't use it for everyday cooking. But so far I have not made anything outrageously processed & or w/ refined sugars. I guess maybe I sub consciously stear clear from them. I think it's a little different from my selection of healthy living cookbooks. It's ok to indulge a little as long as you don't do it everyday :wink:
  • rache12581
    Fit Phil,
    It's ok! My sister makes that recipe for parties & it's always a hit. I LOVE it