aaahhh! its so hard!



  • omgsayalathieo
    Taco Bell was the better choice...usually when that happens around my office (last week someone brought in strawberry CHEESECAKE!!) I go for a walk about the block.
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    At times like these i call upon the power of smug. Look at me over here with my willpower salad and side order of determination.

    Or, resort to an overdramatic "oh my god, I can't eat that. Do you want me to get so fat I die at my desk and will be too fat to get out of the door and then you will have to work with me rotting in the corner." haha the thought of that puts everyone off their chips
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    It is hard... But it will be worth it. Why not burn off some extra calories and treat yourself to some fries....???
    I am not into denying myself... I would rather bust my butt and get what I want and then eat good for the rest of the day.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    OMG! You did awesome resisting the temptation. Remember, eating out is not about the food. If you choose to eat out, enjoy the company. Keep thinking that way.

    Also, the more you resist the urge, the easier this will me! I go out to eat once a week, and I make the right choices, and enjoy the company I am with. I have gotten really used to it. I also am proud to tell my server exactly how to serve my food so that it is healthy for me. (Yea, hold that buttery sauce, or that sweet barbeque sauce, cuz I don't need it!).
  • lisas3bbabies
    Good for you, Debbie! =) I have the same thing happen to me..."I'll bring cookies if Lisa will eat one"...ugh! I've learned to avoid those people completely!~Because I know how long i'll be on the eliptical already and how hard i'll be on myself for straying from "MY PLAN!"
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    What's hard? Making a decision to be healthy? It's a pretty simple choice. Eat bad, look bad. You simply don't get to eat your cake and have it, too. What's really hard is staying unfit and fat...being fit and hot should make it go from "it's so hard" to "it's so worth it". Change your mind. Now go work out.

    well, while your answer may be true i find it a bit brash....your obviously on here for the same reasons as the rest of us (Lord, strike me dead if i EVER talk to someone like this just because ive reached my goal).....everyone else thank you for the support....i think i did a fabulous job myself...and those who do look at my diary/ added me to their list KNOW i work VERY hard and do not go easy on myself nor do i allow myself very much thank you for your opinion sir....thank God for freedom of speech eh lol!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If you look at my signature, you'll know I'm a burger girl, too. I love the meat, cheese, bacon, and white-flour buns. I love the ketchup and the mayo and the fries and soda, too.

    lol you just made me hungry!:tongue:
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    If you look at my signature, you'll know I'm a burger girl, too. I love the meat, cheese, bacon, and white-flour buns. I love the ketchup and the mayo and the fries and soda, too.

    lol you just made me hungry!:tongue:

    haha....i like what the above poster said tho...about grease coating the tongue...thatll keep me away lol
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    so i work in a relatively small office and my coworkers decided some of them would order five guys (if youve eaten at five guys you know where im going with this, if you havent, they make THE BEST fries i have had in my entire life) they come back with their order and thats all i smell is that disgustingly fattening delicious food! i run the numbers and wouldnt ya know it...WAAY to many cals for a gal on a 1200 cal is so hard to be good and make the right choices, but so far ive proven strong enough....instead of having that disgustingly fattening delicious build your own burger and pound of fries they give you, i am settling for a fresco ranchero chicken taco and nacho cheese chips from taco bell....i hate being good.......

    Lol! I love this. I recently felt like I was tortured by the delicious smell of not-so-good, but unbelievably taste-so-good foods. Dieting is hard. Once we reach our goals, and we continue to come across these foods, we still have to control ourselves because the weight can return so quickly, as if you've never made any effort.

    I get mad at my diet foods sometimes and curse at it. I often eat lunch late because I have to build up the mood for them, but I understand that I am doing this to reach my goal quickly, and I may have to continue this for life.
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    so i work in a relatively small office and my coworkers decided some of them would order five guys (if youve eaten at five guys you know where im going with this, if you havent, they make THE BEST fries i have had in my entire life) they come back with their order and thats all i smell is that disgustingly fattening delicious food! i run the numbers and wouldnt ya know it...WAAY to many cals for a gal on a 1200 cal is so hard to be good and make the right choices, but so far ive proven strong enough....instead of having that disgustingly fattening delicious build your own burger and pound of fries they give you, i am settling for a fresco ranchero chicken taco and nacho cheese chips from taco bell....i hate being good.......

    Lol! I love this. I recently felt like I was tortured by the delicious smell of not-so-good, but unbelievably taste-so-good foods. Dieting is hard. Once we reach our goals, and we continue to come across these foods, we still have to control ourselves because the weight can return so quickly, as if you've never made any effort.

    I get mad at my diet foods sometimes and curse at it. I often eat lunch late because I have to build up the mood for them, but I understand that I am doing this to reach my goal quickly, and I may have to continue this for life.

    ive found i just dont want to appetite is gone most days and i force food down my throat just to get within range of my intake allowance....but i WILL NOT allow myself to go over :smile:
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I stay home w/ kids but still face the same kind of torture every stinkin' day! It is hard, but you'll be better off :)

    Yes, yes, yes!!! I can certainly relate. My sister, who is also losing weight, has a strategy: feed them what you don't typically like to eat while dieting. For example, mac + cheese, instead of chinese foood because we have a weakness for chinese foods.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    There's nothing negative about my post at all. Sounds like you made the right choice, and I admire that, looks like you're well on your way to success. And I didn't just 'start' this because I reached my goal. It took me a very serious look at what I was doing to myself to make the change, and that brashness is what made me finally change my mindset from a victim of food to being in control.

    It's a courageous act to get healthy, because it won't be easy. But, we need to stop the thought process of being a 'victim' all the time, as if food is an enemy. Stop worrying about what's in the breakroom. And you will if you have made the decision to stay away from that and change your lifestyle. If you have, you'll find it's easy to no longer worry about what other people are eating. But, if you remain in the "if only I could eat that" mindset, you'll eventually go eat it. Change your mind and body at the same time. The concept is simple, you can't have abs and a cheeseburger, too. Make the choice and stick with it.

    That may be brash, but it's true.
    What's hard? Making a decision to be healthy? It's a pretty simple choice. Eat bad, look bad. You simply don't get to eat your cake and have it, too. What's really hard is staying unfit and fat...being fit and hot should make it go from "it's so hard" to "it's so worth it". Change your mind. Now go work out.

    well, while your answer may be true i find it a bit brash....your obviously on here for the same reasons as the rest of us (Lord, strike me dead if i EVER talk to someone like this just because ive reached my goal).....everyone else thank you for the support....i think i did a fabulous job myself...and those who do look at my diary/ added me to their list KNOW i work VERY hard and do not go easy on myself nor do i allow myself very much thank you for your opinion sir....thank God for freedom of speech eh lol!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    There's nothing negative about my post at all. Sounds like you made the right choice, and I admire that, looks like you're well on your way to success. And I didn't just 'start' this because I reached my goal. It took me a very serious look at what I was doing to myself to make the change, and that brashness is what made me finally change my mindset from a victim of food to being in control.

    It's a courageous act to get healthy, because it won't be easy. But, we need to stop the thought process of being a 'victim' all the time, as if food is an enemy. Stop worrying about what's in the breakroom. And you will if you have made the decision to stay away from that and change your lifestyle. If you have, you'll find it's easy to no longer worry about what other people are eating. But, if you remain in the "if only I could eat that" mindset, you'll eventually go eat it. Change your mind and body at the same time. The concept is simple, you can't have abs and a cheeseburger, too. Make the choice and stick with it.

    That may be brash, but it's true.
    What's hard? Making a decision to be healthy? It's a pretty simple choice. Eat bad, look bad. You simply don't get to eat your cake and have it, too. What's really hard is staying unfit and fat...being fit and hot should make it go from "it's so hard" to "it's so worth it". Change your mind. Now go work out.

    well, while your answer may be true i find it a bit brash....your obviously on here for the same reasons as the rest of us (Lord, strike me dead if i EVER talk to someone like this just because ive reached my goal).....everyone else thank you for the support....i think i did a fabulous job myself...and those who do look at my diary/ added me to their list KNOW i work VERY hard and do not go easy on myself nor do i allow myself very much thank you for your opinion sir....thank God for freedom of speech eh lol!

    oh im so not a food victim....the headline was simply that....a headline....nothing more....the moral of my post wasnt "feel sorry for me because i had to pass up that food" it was more of a "real people" post....many can relate to seeing (or in my case smelling) something that looks good and having enough will power to say nope...its not worth it to me...the ends outweight the means so to speak...its about reaching out...that human connection....which is i have found the most POWERFUL of all tools....i simply felt you could have worded that differently....many of us dont have the army mentality...which i can see how it is helpful, but honestly, no one does something because their TOLD to....or because of how strict someone else is....they do it because the WANT to and its their choice...theres nothing courageous about getting healthy...again its a personal preference....and those abs will rot away when your dead (kidding)...oh and what if its a veggie burger (again kidding):laugh:
  • HawkeyeGuy
    Point taken. I'll liken it to similar goals, through essentially the same means, but different methods. As far as a veggie burger, I guess you could, but cows taste so good.
    There's nothing negative about my post at all. Sounds like you made the right choice, and I admire that, looks like you're well on your way to success. And I didn't just 'start' this because I reached my goal. It took me a very serious look at what I was doing to myself to make the change, and that brashness is what made me finally change my mindset from a victim of food to being in control.

    It's a courageous act to get healthy, because it won't be easy. But, we need to stop the thought process of being a 'victim' all the time, as if food is an enemy. Stop worrying about what's in the breakroom. And you will if you have made the decision to stay away from that and change your lifestyle. If you have, you'll find it's easy to no longer worry about what other people are eating. But, if you remain in the "if only I could eat that" mindset, you'll eventually go eat it. Change your mind and body at the same time. The concept is simple, you can't have abs and a cheeseburger, too. Make the choice and stick with it.

    That may be brash, but it's true.
    What's hard? Making a decision to be healthy? It's a pretty simple choice. Eat bad, look bad. You simply don't get to eat your cake and have it, too. What's really hard is staying unfit and fat...being fit and hot should make it go from "it's so hard" to "it's so worth it". Change your mind. Now go work out.

    well, while your answer may be true i find it a bit brash....your obviously on here for the same reasons as the rest of us (Lord, strike me dead if i EVER talk to someone like this just because ive reached my goal).....everyone else thank you for the support....i think i did a fabulous job myself...and those who do look at my diary/ added me to their list KNOW i work VERY hard and do not go easy on myself nor do i allow myself very much thank you for your opinion sir....thank God for freedom of speech eh lol!

    oh im so not a food victim....the headline was simply that....a headline....nothing more....the moral of my post wasnt "feel sorry for me because i had to pass up that food" it was more of a "real people" post....many can relate to seeing (or in my case smelling) something that looks good and having enough will power to say nope...its not worth it to me...the ends outweight the means so to speak...its about reaching out...that human connection....which is i have found the most POWERFUL of all tools....i simply felt you could have worded that differently....many of us dont have the army mentality...which i can see how it is helpful, but honestly, no one does something because their TOLD to....or because of how strict someone else is....they do it because the WANT to and its their choice...theres nothing courageous about getting healthy...again its a personal preference....and those abs will rot away when your dead (kidding)...oh and what if its a veggie burger (again kidding):laugh:
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    Point taken. I'll liken it to similar goals, through essentially the same means, but different methods. As far as a veggie burger, I guess you could, but cows taste so good.
    There's nothing negative about my post at all. Sounds like you made the right choice, and I admire that, looks like you're well on your way to success. And I didn't just 'start' this because I reached my goal. It took me a very serious look at what I was doing to myself to make the change, and that brashness is what made me finally change my mindset from a victim of food to being in control.

    It's a courageous act to get healthy, because it won't be easy. But, we need to stop the thought process of being a 'victim' all the time, as if food is an enemy. Stop worrying about what's in the breakroom. And you will if you have made the decision to stay away from that and change your lifestyle. If you have, you'll find it's easy to no longer worry about what other people are eating. But, if you remain in the "if only I could eat that" mindset, you'll eventually go eat it. Change your mind and body at the same time. The concept is simple, you can't have abs and a cheeseburger, too. Make the choice and stick with it.

    That may be brash, but it's true.
    What's hard? Making a decision to be healthy? It's a pretty simple choice. Eat bad, look bad. You simply don't get to eat your cake and have it, too. What's really hard is staying unfit and fat...being fit and hot should make it go from "it's so hard" to "it's so worth it". Change your mind. Now go work out.

    well, while your answer may be true i find it a bit brash....your obviously on here for the same reasons as the rest of us (Lord, strike me dead if i EVER talk to someone like this just because ive reached my goal).....everyone else thank you for the support....i think i did a fabulous job myself...and those who do look at my diary/ added me to their list KNOW i work VERY hard and do not go easy on myself nor do i allow myself very much thank you for your opinion sir....thank God for freedom of speech eh lol!

    oh im so not a food victim....the headline was simply that....a headline....nothing more....the moral of my post wasnt "feel sorry for me because i had to pass up that food" it was more of a "real people" post....many can relate to seeing (or in my case smelling) something that looks good and having enough will power to say nope...its not worth it to me...the ends outweight the means so to speak...its about reaching out...that human connection....which is i have found the most POWERFUL of all tools....i simply felt you could have worded that differently....many of us dont have the army mentality...which i can see how it is helpful, but honestly, no one does something because their TOLD to....or because of how strict someone else is....they do it because the WANT to and its their choice...theres nothing courageous about getting healthy...again its a personal preference....and those abs will rot away when your dead (kidding)...oh and what if its a veggie burger (again kidding):laugh:

    :laugh: lmao!!!!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I work in a doctor's office, and our drug reps cater lunch CONSTANTLY!! It is sooo hard to be good and stick to your goal when everyone around you is scarfing cheese and bacon fries. My mouth waters when I smell it. If I have been good and stuck to my diet and exercise plan, I allow myself a small amount of what I want periodically. That way I don't over indulge later!! Way to go for sticking it out!!!

    The rep must have been selling lipitor. Sorry, couldn't resist ;)
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    oh the temptation are everywhere. i have found that no matter what there is to eat at work, i just don't do it. i actually get a little kick out of being about to say no to the cookies in the kitchen, while everyone else stuffs their face a 8am with junk food. then they look up at me with chocolate all over their face and tell me I am "so good".

    I wanto be "that girl" so bad! I am sort of the token young, fit girl in my office but if there are treats to be had I am first in line. Granted I don't take a ton of it but I always have to sample... I am working on my willpower though. :sad: