Eating Backwards



  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    "Sumo wrestlers famously maintain their large bulk by napping after their meals. The idea is that food you eat before sleeping doesn't get as thoroughly metabolized as food you digest while being active, and so if you want to get fat, shift your meals toward bedtime.
    Lots of people try to avoid eating after dinnertime to stay skinny, but does this really do any good? Sadly for those looking for easy answers to the weight gain problem, this particular solution has been studied a lot, and found to be just another myth.
    There's certainly a correlation between people who eat late at night and obesity, but this is simply because people who eat at night are more likely to be those who overeat throughout the day. Similarly, those who skip breakfast are more likely to be those who power away too big of a lunch.
    Turns out it doesn't matter when you eat your calories, it just matters how many calories you eat in total. People who eat small meals spaced throughout the day are less likely to overeat at any given meal. So relax and don't shy away from that late-night snack, just be aware during your other meals that more calories are coming later."

  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    You should eat how you feel comfortable with. If this works with you, then there is nothing saying you should change it. It doesn't matter when you eat the calories during the day. Breakfast is big because its the fuel for the day, but if you enjoy having a bigger dinner and not a big breakfast person, then it might not help you much if you try to change everything around.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    The eating breakfast rule for adults only exists b/c when people intentionally skip breakfast in order to save calories, they often binge later. If you aren't hungry then that’s ok, you aren’t in danger of binging since that is a result of temporary starvation/dieting. It’s important for children to eat breakfast for proper brain functioning but adults are a-ok.
  • meeshers
    meeshers Posts: 73 Member
    I am NOT a morning person either and never used to eat breakfast! Or at least i didn't think I was! But I just decided one day to try to get to bed a little earlier to go to the gym before work because I was so easily talking myself out of it after work. So I did. I woke up at 5:30, logged on to MFP to help me wake up and get motivated, and I went to the gym. And then I kept doing it! And it's the best thing ever because when I get home after work, I've already exercised and I can just relax. It's weird, I'll forget I've worked out all day and when I get home I kinda dread that I have to go to the gym, and then I remember that I'm done! So I get all happy :) And it's definitely changed my eating habits. I'm hungry/ ravenous in the mornings now and really look forward to breakfast. Also, by going to bed that little bit earlier, I'm not anymore tired than I was before. It's just a different routine.

    But having said that, everybody's different! I think if you're sticking to your calorie and exercise goals, are eating relatively healthy, and are losing weight, then you're good. don't try to fix something if it isn't broken!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I eat dinner after 7 all the time. It's just a fact of life with my schedule. I spread my meals throughout the day though. I don't think there's a 'right' answer. Do what feels best and check the results. If you're not losing adjust. Someone said it comes down to calories in vs. calories out. I agree.
  • jennylynn84
    I've eaten dinner as the largest meal of the day for the whole of my life. I've gained weight that way, and lost weight that way. Personally, its always been the WHAT and not the WHEN that has made or broken my eating habits.

    Oh, and I frequently eat after 7 because I don't come home and eat until after the gym.
  • radwan_masri
    I am exactly like you, see my dairy it's public. I am very serious in my diet plan, but for me it's not diet it's a change in lifestyle. So do what makes you feel good, as long as you're achieving your targets
  • radwan_masri
    I am exactly like you, see my dairy it's public. I am very serious in my diet plan, but for me it's not diet it's a change in lifestyle. So do what makes you feel good, as long as you're achieving your targets
  • chicablanca26
    wow you are an inspiration!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Wow! What amazing feedback! Thanks to all who replied. Lots of great input, reserach and personal stories. Ultimately I agree that a calorie is a calorie, but I also understand that our bodies burn calories at different raters throughout the day. I think for the time being I'll generally stick with my meal plan. But I think I may try to reduce my dinner a little and perhaps I'll be hungrier the next morning. I have a tendency to see that I have colories left and decide to use them. As a matter of fact, MFP will suggest "starvation mode" or something to that effect if too few calories are consumed. Ultimatley I think I will listen to my body and see what it really needs, not what I may want. Thanks to all and good luck!