No time for weight and strength training

I work out in the morning before work. I don't like waking up early but I have been good at forcing myself to get up at 6 to get to the gym and do a 40 minute treadmill workout so I can still make it to work by 8. I found this workout called the "Treadmill Triad" which is supposed to maximize fat burning and also help build muscle. Here is the article:

I know strength training and building lean muscle is important to getting fit, but with this lengthy treadmill exercise I don't have time to add in strength training without being late for work. I'm not willing to wake up any earlier, either.
My question is... Is this treadmill workout enough? Is there a way I can shorten my time on the treadmill so that I can work in strength training as well and still burn lots of calories? I can only afford a 40-45 minute workout in the mornings. Also, I like structured workouts where I know exactly what to do and when to do it (which is why I like this treadmill workout).


  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    There are 7 days in a week. Why not use some of them for strength training and some of them for your treadmill workout?
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    And by the way, that workout does nothing as far as strength training is concerned (despite what it says). It's interval training, which is good, but it's not strength training.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    Can you wear hand weights while you are on the treadmill? When you are pumping your arms back & forth you are doing strength training.

    Also can you alternate days.

    Day 1: 5 minutes on the treadmill full blast to get that heart rate up.
    30 minutes strength train - arms.
    5 minutes on treadmill full blast to get that heart rate up again to you can have a nice after burn

    Day 2: 40 minutes treadmill

    Day 3: 5 minutes on the treadmill full blast to get that heart rate up.
    30 minutes strength train - legs.
    5 minutes on treadmill full blast to get that heart rate up again to you can have a nice after burn
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    When I was training for my first marathon, I quit doing other work outs to run 6 days a week. I ended up with a muscle imbalance in my legs and painful knees. I started P90X to cross-train through winter to try to fix some of the problems I created. It's worked and I'm running faster and healthier than I was. I would say just doing treadmill workouts can cause your long term goals to suffer if you ever want to push your exercise beyond just an indoor gym work out.

    Also, make sure you are taking the time to stretch after your treadmill work out - my opinion would be 30 minutes of treadmill and 10 min of stretching would be better for you.