does this work?

If i cut my calories and follow my guidelines, not eating diet food but regular food, I will lose weight? Because ive lost 2lbs in a week and a half and thats not much so im beginning to get discouraged. Any tips? Is 1200 cal low enough?


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Your question is very vague. What are your current guidelines set at? 1200 is very low, especially if you are exercising. I don't consider myself eating "diet" food, I eat regular food, just make different choices. By eating the same thing I make my husband, I would eat far less food but have maxed out my calories quickly - on serving of mac & cheese is a horrible amount of calories - so I have grilled chicken and salad or brown rice instead for myself.

    I followed the Fat Flush Plan to initially lose my weight. Now I'm following the Beach Body program during my P90X plan, which I'm not pleased with at all, I want to be able to have meals without certain things. Example: I don't do dairy, wheat (kids have celiac), or white sugar. So by removing just these times, I found that I eat much healthier and still get a great amount of food for my calories.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Two pounds in a week and a half is actually very good. The way to lose weight and maintain that weight loss is slow and steady, 1-2 lbs a week. Remember, it's a lifestyle change not a "diet." Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged!!