The Difference between Insanity & Turbo FIre?

I know they are both intense workouts but what is the difference? Is one harder than the other? Also, what's so hard about them, is it the cardio part???(Thanks for the input) I'm thinking about purchasing either one:)


  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    Turbo Fire has a lot of kickboxing in it.
    They both have sports conditioning moves.
    They both are fantastic workouts.
    But if you like kickboxing mixed with a little dance-type moves then Turbo Fire is better.

    You can't go wrong either way.
  • jAdorelife
    Insanity is the hardest work out i've ever done / heard of anyone doing. it's nonstop movement & then streching & then it repeats...but i've never seen anyone make it through the warm up without looking like they just took a shower & being out of breath...including shaun t

    i've never tried turbofire but i'm willing to bet insanity is harder, but that problably also means better results, i highly recommend insanity to tone, burn a ton of cals & increase strength & satmina....but it's not the best beginnner work out.
  • katacha999

    I had a similar struggle between choosing between those two and P90X. I opted to do P90X. Which was great. Really was. I had some new muscle I had no idea even existed! But I find the cardio component in P90X weak - and I was on the P90X Lean circuit!! So that lead me back to Charlene. The insanity I have heard about - but haven't done. Friends of mine have and they are uber fit and say it's crazy. If you are working up to that level than TurboFire might be best. I settled on TF b/c Charlene works at having modified form for ALL exercises, so if you have a bad knee for example then she shows you how to modify to get the benefit from the exercise - without damaging your knee further. That is key for me as I tore my knee training Muay Thai in Thailand. So I have done some of TF - although really I had to restart and I am back on day 3! (Christmas happened and my workouts went out the window!) My first reaction to TF is - ok this chick is crrrraaazy! As the pace is MUCH faster than P90X - but it's FUN FUN FUN! She mixes martial arts in with dance moves and OMG is it fun! The music is good too - for what it is right? I mean of course I wish I could feed my own tunes through as my mood changes and I wish my music to do the same!

    Ok so I hope that helped? I give both P90 and Turbo Fire two thumbs up. although I can't stand the P90X yoga - let me just say that! It's horrible! So what I am planning to do - from week 4 onward - on the TurboFire HIIT days (really high intensity interval training) which have shorter classes - I will also add in the weight training component from P90. I think they'll compliment one another well.

    If you do choose Insanity - I'd be curious to hear how you make out!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Insanity is push yourself until you're ready to lose your left lung onto the floor intervals. You do long intervals at maximum effort for 3-4 minutes, then get a 30 second break. Rinse and repeat. The drills are more sports minded type drills that are plyometric (jump training) in nature.

    Turbo Fire is a cardio kickboxing type program with some plyometric training included. It also has fantastic music. I find that even though I feel as though I'm ready to die during the Insanity intervals, I actually burn more calories doing Turbo Fire in the same amount of time. This is, perhaps, because Turbo Fire incorporates more total body moves (upper/core/lower body moves together), whereas Insanity's drills mainly incorporate the lower body. That said, don't think I don't get winded during Turbo Fire, I just feel as though I'm going to die.

    Also, if you have tweaky knees at all, I would steer clear of Insanity.