I have been counting calories for 3 weeks now and I would really just like to flatten my stomach and work on those blasted love handles. I weight about 152 but I started at 155 and my goal calorie count is 1180. Some sites I've checked out say that I'm consuming to few calories and that's why I'm not losing weight but I'm just very confused. I work out daily and tend to not count on the weekend (I consider them 'me' time and since I'm in college sometimes you JUST need hangover food) but I still don't consume way over my amount.

Any suggestions?

CW: 152
GW: 143-141


  • HotMomma86
    I would definitely eat more. Anything under 1200 isn't good for anyone. And if you work out and burn calories, you are eating even less. Whatever you burn off you need to eat most of those calories back. I'm not too sure exactly how many calories you should be eating, but if you find your BMR (there are websites online that can help) than just deduct 500 off of what your BMR is.
  • sakos12
    BMR Calculator (Basal Metabolic Rate) Metric BMR Calculator (found online)
    Height ft in
    Weight lbs

    You have a BMR of 1537.1.

    this would have me eating less! I'm now totally lost
  • stebabe15
    There are a lot of great posts that have already discussed similar issues to what you're having. I'd read through some of the pinned posts. Also, the articles/threads about exercise calories really put things in perspective for me. I'd try that. Out of everything I've read, the first thing you'll find is that you're consuming too few calories. Good luck!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    It's probably not healthy BUT......

    I've been counting calories using this site for just over two weeks. Weekdays I aim for 600 total calories and Weekends I aim for 1,000 total calories. I do the extra on the weekends to reset my metabolism. I drink 8 glasses of water a day, which helps stave off hunger pains. Also, the foods I DO eat are very healthy, mostly steamed vegetables. EVERYONE says it is NOT healthy and throws the "starvation mode" phrase around. I'm sure there will be six comments below me saying that I am wrong and blah blah blah. However, I've lost 10 lbs in the 2 weeks and 2 days I've been going at it.... from 167 to 157.... and I'm not planing to stop now.
  • HotMomma86
    What is your height? Are you already overweight (BMI) or are you at a healthy weight and just need to tone your abs/hips?

    I'm 24, 5'3" and weigh 181 so by BMR is a little over 2,000. In order for me to lose about a pound a week I need to eat around 1500 calories. But, my BMI is 31 so I am considered obese for my height.

    If you are already at a healthy weight, maybe that is why your calorie numbers are so low.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    It's probably not healthy BUT......

    I've been counting calories using this site for just over two weeks. Weekdays I aim for 600 total calories and Weekends I aim for 1,000 total calories. I do the extra on the weekends to reset my metabolism. I drink 8 glasses of water a day, which helps stave off hunger pains. Also, the foods I DO eat are very healthy, mostly steamed vegetables. EVERYONE says it is NOT healthy and throws the "starvation mode" phrase around. I'm sure there will be six comments below me saying that I am wrong and blah blah blah. However, I've lost 10 lbs in the 2 weeks and 2 days I've been going at it.... from 167 to 157.... and I'm not planing to stop now.

    You're right. This is not healthy. Everyone has the right to eat as they see fit, but you shouldn't be recommending this to anyone. 600 total on weekdays is WAY too low, and 1000 on the weekends is still too low - it's not "resetting" anything.

    To the OP - you don't have a ton of weight to lose, so it's not healthy to set a high goal loss per week. The less you have to lose, the less your body can safely handle a high deficit. Use MFP's goal setting, and set your goal to 1/2 or 1 lb per week, then EAT the recommended calories. It may seem like a lot, but it's much healther than eating too few calories. Slow and steady is the way to go.
  • stebabe15
    I think it's great that that worked for you. My only concern, and why I've chose and would suggest to make sure you consume at least 1200 calories daily is for the long term goal/maintenance. Once you've reached your goal with 600-1000 calories daily, you'll want to add in more foods and more calories. You'll have a hard time maintaining that weight you've reached long term. You'll likely bounce back to a heavier weight because your body is holding on to the extra calories.
    You're method worked for a short term quick result method. However if you're goal is to reach and maintain a weight, I think slow and steady wins the race.
  • onehicchic
    I've read some where that taking the bad carbs out of your diet gets rid of the stomach fat. I certainly wouldn't eat less calories.
  • sakos12
    Ahhh hold on I should clarify! I EAT abou 1500-1600 a day but I workout every day too (minus saturday and sunday) so I end up around1200 or 1850.

    I'm majoring in PT so I do understand what to few calories are don't worry :)
  • sakos12
    trenton thank you, I just now found the profile part (I always do this on my phone and am still kinda new to the fact that I can change things) It has recommended I eat around 1950 (when I started doing this last year I was about 160 then stopped and started again so it was on my old calorie goal)

    thanks everyone for helping me :)
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member