today im starting what i have decided to call the FERRARI CHALLENGE. my philosophy behind this is that you should treat your body like a ferrari instead of a volvo :)

i have recently realized that i have a very serious and very real addiction to sugar. Whenever im around baked goods i cannot stop myself from scarfing the stuff down until im sick to my stomach. my family thinks it funny and my mother persists to bake even i have asked her repeatedly to stop. my lack of will power around sweets has deflated my self esteem. i work out everyday and eat very well otherwise. i do not drink soda or eat fast or processed foods. this is the only thing that i have no control over. when i think about how much better i would look and feel right now if i had gotten a handle on this a long time ago it kills me.

so the challenge consists of cutting out ALL UNNATURAL SUGAR (and alcohol while im at it) from today JAN26th until my bday which is MAY 9th. thats 3 solid months plus a bit more.

this is not about deprivation. its about learning a lesson and taking control of my impulses. i am not asking anyone to join with me but if you would like to you are welcome to! i need all the support i can get!!!