Does Anyone Cheat on Their Food Logs?



  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I cheat sometimes. Like for snack I would have a pack of 100 calorie cookies. I don't waste time looking for the particular flavor, I just click on the flavor that is on my "Recent" board.

    Sometimes I don't log my evening snack.... BUT, I only do that when I am 700-1000 calories short of my daily number. If I am close, I am pretty particular.
  • Toaster88
    Toaster88 Posts: 146
    I really don't need to cheat calorie-wise. I'm part of the "Gets 2,000 Calories for Exersize Club". I've never came within 1,900 of that number.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    I typically make sure everything is just as I eat it...down to the brand and amount. The only thing that is not 100% truthful in my food diary is my sugar free jello. I eat a brand that is not listed but the Jello brand sugar free jello has the same nutritional info as the ones I eat. It doesn't have a specific flavor it's just listed as Jello sugar free jello. Other than that, if it says I ate Great Value toasted oat cereal, that is what I ate. :)
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Personally I don't see who yu're cheating, but yourself, so yes, I log everything in my food journal...even my green tea at no cal.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Unless there's a definitive difference in the caloric or nutritonal intake of the foods, I generally just use whatever is already handy. Especially if I"m logging on the go. Of course this requires me comparing every different flavor or food I eat to the one that I ate before to make sure that the nutritonal content is the same. But sometimes yogurts have vastly different proportions of carbs even when staying within the same calorie range (and not always in the direction one would think.)

    For example unfrosted pop tarts actually have more calories than frosted pop tarts and more or less similar nutritional content besides.

    But whatever, it's up to you. Some days I"m lazy and don't log my 3 animal crackers but that's OK because I didn't log the brief workout I did either. I always try to make sure that the errors are in favor of my weight loss goals.
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Like some of the other posters here have done, if the item isn't here I find something comparable and use that for my food entry. This week I think I added 6 different foods that weren't in the database so that I can keep a more accurate count of what I have been eating. I like to stay very specific with my log so that if I feel like having a low calorie snack, I know the number of calories I'm playing with so I can maintain an excess ever day.
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