Hello from Indiana

Hi everyone. I made a New Year's Resolution to lose some weight. Well I make that same resolution every year but this year is different. My wife and I decided to try a new diet called the GI diet or glycemic index diet. I have two brother in laws that was on this diet last year and one lost 96 lbs and the other 60 lbs over the course of the year. I gave up my diet pop and only drink water,
flavored water and decaff tea with splenda. I am following the diet to the T. I am exercising daily as well.
My starting weight was 303 on Jan 1st. I weighed in on the 24th and I was down to 279.2. I love this diet. I never feel hungry and it seems like I am always eating but eating healthy filling foods.
My goal weight is 225 and I am very motivated to reach that. I already feel great with the 24 lbs I've lost.
Anything is possible when you set your mind to it.
God bless and good luck.

Feel free to add me as friends if you want.
