Year of the 6-Pack

Hi all,

My G/F put me onto this little jem of a site...She has been doing it for a while and really found it helping her.
I thought I would give it a go and it is great! Got the App for my iPhone as well so I can immerse myself in it!

I have never really been on a diet before...I wouldn't consider myself too much overweight but def need to lose some round the stomach...Even after a year of the gym my eating habits didn't help me and my portion sizes never got any smaller...My excuse being because I go the gym I need more food, but that doesn't mean I need to go XL at Burger King! Doh!

Since starting on Tuesday, I set my credentials and now limited to 1500 calories a day I have manged to keep under for the past few days and although I have been hungry, I have been trying to combat with fruit etc and it really helps...So, there is an alternative to reaching for the biscuit tin!!

My main aim is to lose approx a stone and a half (currently 14 stone / 88kg)...I know it's a man's dream to have a six pack...I am determined with good cardio, my weights and diet I can do it!!

Hope you are all getting on well with your diets!

Dan Watts :drinker:


  • karljp
    karljp Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I am on the same 1500 calorie and have do a lot of fruit and Kashi snacks with Laughing Cow cheese! Drink a lot of water and the more you work-out, the more you can eat. So, do 30-60 minutes of vigorous cardio each day and you can eat a lot more. That is what keeps me going back to the gym because I don't want to be hungry:-)
  • DanWatts1982
    Hi Karl,

    Thank you for your post :)

    Yeah, I do 3 weights sessions a week and 2 to 3 runs...I have only just started running since the new year and doing more cardio and I have already noticed the difference! IT's great.
    It is great as you say in your post, more exercise means more food!! I'll be running sun, rain or snow at this rate to eat more!! haha.

    All the best...I hope you reach your goals!