Hello and Help!

I've been a secret use of MFP since i found it 6 months ago but never joined the forum. But I think I now need the help!! Heres my story

5 years ago I lost 4 stone in 6 months and it changed my life! I've kept it off, give or take half a stone going up and down, but since about 2009 I've crept up another half a stone and since xmas I'm now almost 1 and a quarter stone heavier then i was at my lowest.

I know exactly why this is - I started seeing my boyfriend in 2007 and obviously we are very happy now and I've gradually got more contented and less bothered about what i eat or whether i actually go to the gym after work or go home to him! Why is it so difficult to balance the both?!

Anyway I love MFP because it really helps you face up to that third bowl of museli....

My problem lately (like today) is that I've spent 2 hours in the gym but should I still keep calories below the 1200 and not eat my gym calories?

Also, if i keep to the 1200 it doesn't seem few enough.. I tried a metabolic rate calculator on the web and it said i should stop 1000.

Leaving that aside tho - how do I avoid my Friday and Saturday urges for a nice glass of wine by the fire on a lovely cold evening?! Hello and Help!


  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 411 Member
    personally, this is for the long haul and i dont plan to cut anything out of my life unless it makes me sick. You just have to practice moderation in everything even the boyfriend, lol. have a gr8 day lady
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    a nice glass of wine is fine if you count it, I still have a glass or two on a weekend or after my step kids have visited :laugh: but I count it, I guess that is about the only time I tend to use up my exercise calories, generally I dont bother I just stick to the 1200.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    You should never go below 1200 calories. And if that is how many MFP says you're supposed to eat, eat that PLUS your exercise calories, otherwise your body isn't getting enough fuel.

    As for the wine, save some calories for it and enjoy! Red wine is good for the heart, and in moderation is absolutely fine. Just don't drink the whole bottle :smile:
  • hbonnie
    I too had that same problem. Here are a few thing I did that helped:

    1. I told him (hubby) about my goal. This way if I started to stray he would say "Are you sure you want to do that?", then I would think twice.
    2. I also love friday and saturday nights of yummy food and cocktails. I pick one night a week and can drink all I want. That way, I still feel like I have a life and I also don't over do it by drinking two nights in a row.
    3. If I have snack attack and eat bad for a meal, I don't ruin the whole day by eating bad, I now realize it was wrong and will eat better at the next meal or snack.

    Hope this helps!
  • Tabascoaddict
    Just the fact you joined the community means something, so be sure to count that in. I just joined and feel great already (and scared at the same time). I already feel conscious of what actions I should or shouldn’t take. I’ve done every sort of diets out there before but this feels different. Don't overwhelm yourself all at once. Take small baby steps. I just happened to join a wine club no more than a week ago so I know exactly how you feel. Like the other member said, have a drink and be sure to count it.
    You’ve got lots supports here….at least that’s how I’m taking it so far.