Ladies, How do I get past the PMS sugar cravings?

Ladies, I crave sugar horribly around that time of the month... I fight the cravings and try to curve them with sweet fruit, but I end up giving in...:sad: Last night I had peanut butter cookies and a piece of a danish and coffee cake the day before. I have to stop before I start gaining my weight back. Am I alone in this???


    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
  • EmilyStrick
    totally not alone!!! i have the same problem...and i can't keep hershey kisses or anything like that in the house, because i can't have just a couple...i'll eat the whole damn bag!!! normally what i do is go get ONE luna bar...sweet and satisfying and normally 170 or 180 calories, but filled with nutrients too, so far better than low-cal sweets. works for me (most of the time), though sometimes i have to go get some ice cream or something, but i figure that once a month, once in a while won't kill me!!
  • tiffsNEWlife
    I am the same way!! I crave all of the sweet stuff, oh and salt, and grease and everything bad for me. If its on the board at a fast food restaraunt I want it! How do I get through it... ugh its tuff. I usually exercise a ton that week (to give myself a little wiggle room) Incase I slip up and give into one of those cravings. Most of the time I try and chew gum this way I'm not able to put something in my mouth.
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    ditto! mines coming up soon and i get sugar and salt cravings BAD about that time! (like for one day...but still)
  • usmcpatience
    Oh, I am a sugar (especially chocolate) craver as well. So far, I've found the best way to deal with it is to give in, but don't go overboard.

    Try these tricks:
    NO PUDGE BROWNIE MIX (It's a packaged brownie mix you add 2/3 cup of fat-free vanilla yogurt to! Only 120 calories a brownie!)
    Weight-Watchers ice cream snacks
    Get online and look up COOK YOURSELF THIN...There are low-calorie vanilla cupcake recipes on their page!
    Dark Chocolate (just a small piece)
    Fiber One Muffin mixes (It's a box mix in the cake mix aisle! They have cinnamon muffins that are REALLY good!)
    Also, try a bowl of cereal! Not only is it filling, but you can find one with some sugary tastes too it! I like multigrain cheerios, etc.

    Good luck! And remember, if you end up going over your calories from this, don't beat yourself up or punish yourself the next day. Just jump right back on track the next day!
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    Dark chocolate! It's not as bad for you as milk chocolate or other desserts, it's loaded with antioxidents, and a little will go a long way. 60% cacao or more is best. Also, try to enjoy with some peace and quiet (if you can) so you can focus on the reward and not feel obliged to scarf.

    Dove dark chocolate squares (it's easier to do portion control this way)
    Aldi has great Austrian and Belgian dark chocolate bars... but you have to limit yourself to like 3 squares or less
    Ghirardelli Dark 60% Cacao chocolate squares (also good for portion control, but a bit darker tasting than the others)
  • DNice7
    DNice7 Posts: 1
    Weight Watchers Mini cakes (the chocolate with icing and carrot cake are my favorite) can satisfy that sweet craving and are only 90 cals :)
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    It's so funny, I JUST posted on wall about this... lol!!! Good luck...I can't fight it anymore!!!:sad:
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    Weight Watchers Mini cakes (the chocolate with icing and carrot cake are my favorite) can satisfy that sweet craving and are only 90 cals :)

    The carrot cakes are delish!!!
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    I'm the same way too - this month I ate 3 candy bars in one day :(

    I'm trying the licorice tea -it's very sweet. Someone told me celery is supposed to curb the craving. 5HTP is supposed to be a good thing, it can be found at Walgreens, I haven't tried it yet but a MFP friend said it really worked well for her!

    Good Luck - If you find the answer - PLEASE let me know!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    You are definately not alone. I think 90% of women have this problem at some point during pms. :laugh:

    I crave sweets all day, everyday :laugh:

    What i did to help me get through it was replacing them with lower calorie type treats. I kept telling myself "once I lose this weight, and get to maintenanve, I can have a real treat and just work off the calories". :wink:

    Chocolate Jello with Light Whipped Cream
    100 calorie Skinny Cow Ice cream sandwiches
    Fudgescycles (sp)
    Made my own fat-free chocolate cake with light whipped cream (find it in the Recipe Forum).

    Sometimes I went over my calories for the day, but :ohwell: most times I just worked out a little extra to cover myself. Again, when you achieve maintenance, you can be less strict :bigsmile: I've been known to go rollerblading for an hour (700 calories) just for a Dairy Queen CheeseQuake Blizzard... mmmmm :tongue:

    Best of Luck :flowerforyou:
  • rme921
    rme921 Posts: 22
    I think everyone has those cravings at that time of the month. I followed weight watchers years ago and was always told to give in to the craving because if you don't when you do finally give in you will binge on what you were craving. Besides once a month isn't a bad thing. If you do it every day, then you might have an issue, but giving in when your body needs it (once or twice in a month) will not ruin a diet! =)
  • Smays1208
    Smays1208 Posts: 15 Member
    Don't give into the cravings... Fight through it, but I know it's easier said then done. Just work out harder by doing a little extra cardio and if you have to give in to something sweet, have a SMALL portion. I like to treat myself to Lowfat Graham cracker with peanut butter when I have the desire for something sweet. That usually does me good....
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks ladies!! I will try these suggestions!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    I think everyone has those cravings at that time of the month. I followed weight watchers years ago and was always told to give in to the craving because if you don't when you do finally give in you will binge on what you were craving. Besides once a month isn't a bad thing. If you do it every day, then you might have an issue, but giving in when your body needs it (once or twice in a month) will not ruin a diet! =)

    so i can have my chocolate ice covered brownies (or chocolate chip cookies) and REALLY salty fries w cheese:bigsmile: :laugh:
  • dawnkitchen
    Giiirrrlll.. I know what you mean! I usually go back and forth between sugar and salt cravings during that time!

    I read something somewhere (I can't recall where, but I don't recall it being untrustworthy) that your metabolism actually speeds up about 5% during menstruation. Neat fact.

    The the point:

    Dessert flavored yogurts (though, they're usually sweetened with aspartame)
    a square of dark chocolate and a glass of milk. Maybe two squares... yum!
    hot chocolate and cool whip
    grapes or apples (or other sweet fruit)