New Puppy and Sore Glutes?

Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
:happy: Okay, I have a new puppy (he's about 6 mths old) and I am doing the puppy outdoor training thing with him:grumble: . I have noticed that last few weeks since I got him my glutes (butt) is very sore as well as my legs. I have been bad and have not been doing any real exercise since I started MFP, and haven't been counting his little walks (he only goes about 10 houses down and back) as a workout BUT my family room (sitting room, den, tv room) is on the 2nd floor of my house so I have to go up and down 14 stairs each time I put him out or bring him in, which right now is about every 30-60 minutes. Could this be considered a workout, I figure if it is getting me sore it must count for something?:laugh:

Starting Shred alternating days with Couch to 5K on Monday and am planning to buy a HRM on the weekend so hopefully will start the "exercise" portion of MFP soon.

Thanks for any input/suggestions/comments.


  • I wouldn't track it as exercise, because there isn't a clear way to know what you're burning. Just enjoy the extra bit of working out and know you're helping your healthy lifestyle!

    Enjoy the new puppy! :)
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117
    Hiya!!! I got my puppy at 9 weeks old and he's 6.5 months now. With all the running round I do I am defo counting it as part of my exercise!!!

    If I were you I would look at all the walking you do with him (walks and stairs etc) and add it together in the time it takes then, put it in as 1 exercise of slow walking (or something similar). I know this seems like bitting and bobbing but all your stair walking is doing you good and in my opinion it seems a shame to waste it. If your were wearing a pedometer the steps would count!

    Have fun with your puppy :) xx
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