What's the worst diet/fitness advice you've received?



  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Not sure about the truth in this but if you microwave an egg it takes out all the calories and was asked why I take the yolk out of the egg because the farmers way back then didn't and they lived long lives (I'm not a farmer!!!)
    Also, why get a membership to a gym it's a waste of money! I don't have a membership because I can't afford one not because it's a total waste of money. If I didn't use the membership yes it would be a waste.
  • The "zero diet" where you eat anything you want as long as it's under 500 calories. To this day, I have not overcome the urge to eat as such. Can I wear a zero? Yeah. Am I happy? No.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    Eat only rice. yes my mother, when i was 9, put me on an all rice diet for over a week. PUKE :P
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Take this pill and your wiener gets bigger. Oh wait, you said exercise advice. I had a helpful souls at the gym tell me I was doing an exercise incorrectly. He then proceeded to do the exercise with TERRIBLE form.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    fad diets, atkins etc...

    Sorry to correct you, but Atkins is not a fad. It is a lifestyle changing plan.

    The worst advise I have ever received from a doctor was to go on a low fat, high carb eating plan that was 1,000 calories.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I just can't endorse any Atkins kind of plan. I'm afraid I'm with her on this one.
    To each, their own.

    Totally agree. Cutting out any kind of natural macronutrient is just a fad! That goes for high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat, high protein, low protein. Atkins, Paleo, blood diet............etc

    I believe balance is the key to life!

    But yeah, each to their own :bigsmile:
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    My favorite is the "Carbonation" diet. I was in high school, some girl said she and her mother were on it, and I remember asking "So you're not drinking soda?" and she said "No, tons of foods have carbonation in it."

    Uh.. what?

    ROTFLMAO!!!!! haha i think she ment carbohydrates..lol

    oh and my worst was drink this 280 cal nasty meal replacement shake instead of just eating a healthy meal...slim fast *puke*
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    fad diets, atkins etc...

    Sorry to correct you, but Atkins is not a fad. It is a lifestyle changing plan.

    The worst advise I have ever received from a doctor was to go on a low fat, high carb eating plan that was 1,000 calories.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I just can't endorse any Atkins kind of plan. I'm afraid I'm with her on this one.
    To each, their own.

    Totally agree. Cutting out any kind of natural macronutrient is just a fad! That goes for high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat, high protein, low protein. Atkins, Paleo, blood diet............etc

    I believe balance is the key to life!

    But yeah, each to their own :bigsmile:

    Paleo doesn't cut any natural macro nutrients. The point of Paleo is that the human genome has not had nearly enough time to evolve to deal with the foods, the extreme processing of them, and chemical load, the agricultural revolution brought to the table. Paleo pretty much places the blame for Syndrome X on the agricultural revolution. So some foods don't truly exist except in cheat form, which is allowed.
  • Kcham817
    Kcham817 Posts: 106 Member
    "Oh it's just baby fat! Eat whatever you want it will come off eventually."

    Uh huh...
    I was told that too for years!! I'm not a baby anymore but the you know what is still here lol
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    "Your achilles tendons hurt? So do mine. Just keep running through the pain. It will go away!" Eventually I did go to a doctor and I found out that I damaged them even more, ended up with weeks of physical therapy and some permanant damage. Bad advise!!

    Or there's this one..."if you aren't showing a loss on the scale, take a laxitive". Umm...no.
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    An employee at the gym I go to said to drop my calories down to 800. I told her straight to her face she was insane for saying that.

    Cardio,lifting weights, and eating enough calories is the way to go. I eat between 1200-1500 depending on my work outs.
    I Work out 4-5 days doing both cardio (30mins-45mins) as well as the circuit or free weights and I drink lots of water :)

  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Take this pill and your wiener gets bigger. Oh wait, you said exercise advice. I had a helpful souls at the gym tell me I was doing an exercise incorrectly. He then proceeded to do the exercise with TERRIBLE form.

    LMAO about the pill!!! That's fitness...well...eventually it is..sort of...
    I have been at the gym before and told I was doing something wrong too - although...I was actually doing it wrong. LOL
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    The "zero diet" where you eat anything you want as long as it's under 500 calories. To this day, I have not overcome the urge to eat as such. Can I wear a zero? Yeah. Am I happy? No.

  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Told by my grandmother "Just eat a bowl of oatmeal for every meal."
    This was just recently. I have lost 67 lbs already. I think I will stick to what I am doing thanks. :laugh:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I got several variations of the same one. Go on the "Slim Faster" diet, do "Jenny Crank", try the "2week" method. For those not in the illicit substance game, it's all tweaker talk for smoking crystal meth.

    No lie. It was literal advice.

    I don't know of a worse one than that. Haha.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    An employee at the gym I go to said to drop my calories down to 800. I told her straight to her face she was insane for saying that.

    Cardio,lifting weights, and eating enough calories is the way to go. I eat between 1200-1500 depending on my work outs.
    I Work out 4-5 days doing both cardio (30mins-45mins) as well as the circuit or free weights and I drink lots of water :)


    I would have gone straight away and told the employee's manager.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    "Try a cleanse.

    Take herbal supplements to lose weight."

    I really think these are worthless. You starve yourself on a cleanseand basically loose water weight. I think the human body is efficient enough. Also, most herbal supplements really haven't been proven to help you lose weight. If they worked, don't you think doctor's would be prescribing them rather than giving people nutrition and fitness or surgery pamphlets?:-P


    This is absolutely the one that drives me completely insane.
    Cleanse yourself of what, exactly? "Toxins"? What is the precise toxic compound? Where are the studies proving that your pill or cleansing mechanism is ridding me of this compound? Where are the studies proving this compound is actually "toxic" for me?

    I think that any company that choses to market herbal supplements should be subject to the same kind of scientific rigour that regular medicines are.
    You know, the ones that are tested to make sure they're not lethal and to determine what health effects they have on the body? They also WORK.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    "Working out will make you hungrier so don't work out and then you'll eat less."

    Actually working out has made me leaner (and I'd swear taller if I knew it wasn't possible!) and stronger than the waifs I see starving themselves.

    And my favourite:

    "If you're only going to lose a pound a week, what's the point??"

    Well, in a year, I'll be 50 lbs lighter. You'll have gained and lost that 50 lbs three times with your insane plan(s).
  • I got several variations of the same one. Go on the "Slim Faster" diet, do "Jenny Crank", try the "2week" method. For those not in the illicit substance game, it's all tweaker talk for smoking crystal meth.

    No lie. It was literal advice.

    I don't know of a worse one than that. Haha.

    What's sad is I've met people who admitted they started smoking crystal meth to lose weight. After seeing that I can totally believe people giving advice like that out. Sad but true.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I got several variations of the same one. Go on the "Slim Faster" diet, do "Jenny Crank", try the "2week" method. For those not in the illicit substance game, it's all tweaker talk for smoking crystal meth.

    No lie. It was literal advice.

    I don't know of a worse one than that. Haha.

    What's sad is I've met people who admitted they started smoking crystal meth to lose weight. After seeing that I can totally believe people giving advice like that out. Sad but true.

    Crystal meth, eh?? So it works then?? :laugh:
  • I got several variations of the same one. Go on the "Slim Faster" diet, do "Jenny Crank", try the "2week" method. For those not in the illicit substance game, it's all tweaker talk for smoking crystal meth.

    No lie. It was literal advice.

    I don't know of a worse one than that. Haha.

    What's sad is I've met people who admitted they started smoking crystal meth to lose weight. After seeing that I can totally believe people giving advice like that out. Sad but true.

    Crystal meth, eh?? So it works then?? :laugh:

    Sure if you don't mind losing your teeth, looks, overall health, and mind along with that weight!
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