Cream of Wheat is crap, right?



  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    can you get the chocolate allbran flakes in the U.S.?
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for all the input everyone! I think I'll stick to something like oatmeal/steel cut oats for breakfast from now on. I love all oatmeal! It tastes great with Trader Joes dried wild blueberries! Yum!

    I like the dried fruit from TJ's too. And they actually carry that McCann's oatmeal :)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Unless you like eating crap on top of crap LOL I like that one. Try this, I found this on mix oatmeal with wheat germ, their recipe calls for 2 cups oatmeal and 2/3 cup wheat germ for three servings and that is a healthy serving I’m thinking about cutting it into 4 servings. It gives the oatmeal a creamier texture and a better flavor. I mix 1 tbls of brown sugar and 1 tbls of peanut butter with it, a couple slices of whole grain toast makes for a hearty breakfast.
  • cjsgrimlin
    "I just had to laugh. The first and last time I tried to eat cream of wheat turned into an "exorcist" like moment. I was about three months pregnant, green as a frog, and absolutely starved. Made it, exited it, and last time I ate it. I know...TMI, but I just had to chuckle. :)laugh"

    i know the feeling i did that with anything i put in my mouth for nine month twice! (putting food in the mouth while pregnant)