Do you think you look as heavy as you are?



  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I'm 6'1 270. Really the only place that my weight shows is my stomach and "love handles". Most people would guess I weight about 230 or 240.
  • littlelioness
    The heaviest I ever weighed was around 150. I was in martial arts. Now, I weigh anywhere from 105-110. Every day I look in the mirror and think I look exactly the same as when I weighed 40 pounds more lol.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I'm 6'1 270. Really the only place that my weight shows is my stomach and "love handles". Most people would guess I weight about 230 or 240.

    I understand that. My people didn't believe I was pushing the upper 200's. Now I am mid 260's and I don't see a difference despite 20lbs being gone. To be honest only one person commented on me losing some weight. I don't think anyone else has noticed anything. The only area I have noticed is several pairs of pants I couldn't even get int to, now I can fit into but they are very tight, so obviously something has happened.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    I started at 222. No one ever knows how heavy I am. I have that hour glass figure and carry most of my weight in my thighs and butt. Easily camaflouged in good jeans and a well fit shirt. I dont usually share because I hate that OMG REALLY?? I would never have guessed it was that much Snooty response I get from people. It makes me want to say Yes really!!! Sorry you cant tell on me...I spotted your 185 a mile away :tongue: You dont make many friends like that hahaha :drinker:
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    I am actually the oposite.
    I look smaller than I am.. when people find out what I weigh, they dont believe me.

    youd think that would make you feel good... but it doesnt... for me anyway
    I feel worse that I cant weigh less and look ever thinner.

    Ive gained probably 70 pounds in 4 years.. and its so not pretty.
    I think I look about 20 pounds less than I am, I guess thats lucky
    but it makes me feel worse, for whatever reason
  • etherah
    etherah Posts: 83 Member
    I'm with you on the mirror thing. I keep thinking I look pretty decent but once I see myself in a photograph, I find I look huge! I swear my arms don't look chunky in a mirror but they sure do in a photo! I don't trust mirrors anymore and think they're all part of some conspiracy. Damn skinny mirrors!
  • jmcniel
    jmcniel Posts: 65
    I was blessed with broad shoulders, so it evens me out and people are shocked when I tell them I weight 298, or even my heaviest of 325.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I think I look heavier than I am and everyone else thinks I'm smaller than I really am.
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Some days I feel I look like what I weigh. Some days I feel damn fine! My bmi states I am morbidly obese. I weight 204 lbs. Brad Pilion from Eat stop Eat has a different formula to decide if you need to loose weight. Take you height in inches, divide that in half. Your waist measurement in inches should not be any bigger. So I am 66 inches (5'6') my waist is 40". So I need to loose 7 inches.
  • Tonya79
    Tonya79 Posts: 12 Member
    No, not until I look at pictures of myself...then I think I look heavier than I really am. I look at those pictures and think, "there is nooo way I am that big!"
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Options is awesome! Lets you compare yourself to others of similar height and weight. Thanks Tara!!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I can't wrap my brain around it. Sometimes I feel really tubby for my weight (as small as I have been since I starved my self freshman year of high school- many years ago). But other times I catch a glimpse of a photo or a mirror and think "Who is that lady, someone feed her, NOW!" Just goes by the day I guess.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    According to everyone around me, even at my heaviest, I never looked my weight. Maybe because I had the build of a defensive lineman, so everyone attributed it to muscle mass. But I had a lot of fat too, but I never had a problem with it.

    Since I started losing weight, I now think I'm bigger than I am. I like my image problem. It keeps me motivated to work out and eat right.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I feel like I look heavier, but everyone pegs me between 115 and 120. I wish! I'm 140.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    The BMI scale is rubbish. Take no notice of it. Your build is what matters and what your measurements are. But mostly, you are at your best when you FEEL at your best!

    Only you can answer that :flowerforyou:
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I used to think that I didn't look like I weighed 196 pounds at 5' 7" until I lost weight, toned up, and looked back at my photos. I was in denial. I think a lot of Americans are unaware of what a true healthy body image should look like. We live in a fast food nation where health is not valued much and are exposed to airbrushed marketing campaigns. I did look like I weighed 196 lbs. I didn't want to accept the facts and people that told me otherwise either didn't know any better or didn't want to hurt my feelings. Just the facts in my case!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Some people carry their weight better than others, no one believes me when I tell them how much I weigh. And unless I look in the mirror I can’t believe I weigh as much as I do either. I still “feel” a lot smaller then I am, not sure if that makes sense, but it’s true. But the mirror (especially when I step out of the shower and haven’t dressed yet) does not lie, nor does the paint size. 
  • snugglepuss123
    It depends... there are days I look in the mirror and think I look pretty damned good, and not at ALL as heavy as my scale claims I am... but then I see photographs of myself, and I recoil in horror and think "Holy hell, when did I get THAT fat?"

    have to agree with u on this one it's exactly how i feel
  • DEE4560
    DEE4560 Posts: 139
    your reply really made me chuckle
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I still think I look the same as 42lbs ago. People say I look different but I can't see it.