My Journey

Well, where do I start I'm 35 and have tried every diet you can think of. I even tried the Lap Band can you believe that..... On Jan. 3 2010 I had the Lap Band surgery to help me with my weight. I was so excited finally I would be healthy weight again and I would have the body that my wife liked when she married me. Not so true, on June 6 of 2010 I had an emergency removal of the Lap Band due to complication, my body rejected the Band. It was the worst 6 months of my life. I was in and out the hospital constantly, heart burn, pain in the stomach, indigestion and every side effect that could possibly have I got it. Then the worst possible thing happened, my body pushed the band right out of my stomach while on vacation…..”OUCH”
Good news I went from 290lbs to 226lbs in 6 months. Bad news I needed to learn how to eat again… During the 6 months of the Lap Band I learn that eating too much will make you throw up. So every meal was really small. Now that the Band is out of me I had full range of eating whatever I wanted no limitations. Once I knew that I could pass regular food down to my stomach it was instant relief.
For the next 6 months I ate and ate until I had put on 53lbs…OUCH. I had told myself this I would never let me get to the point I was at when I first got the Lap Band. Well I’m 11 pounds from reaching that mark again. I was unhappy with myself ashamed that I could not keep the weight off. I have three beautiful kids a loving wife who encourages me for everything; I have served my country with the USMC in Desert Storm, but I can’t win the war on my weight
I was taught in boot camp that losing means you die, so I hated losing. All I want to do now is WIN, WIN, WIN, I need to beat this and overcome to myself that I can control my weight.
My wife has decided to participate with me and help me. I’m excited and fearful of this journey for I hope this will be the last time I lose this battle. I will post my pros and my cons through this process, and hopefully meet friends along the way.


  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Welcome, and good luck :smile:
  • JulieBoBoo
    I have found that a positive attitude is the MOST important determinator of success. Try to stop beating yourself up over the past -- it is done and it's pointless and self-destructive. Embrace a new healthier lifestyle and enjoy every part of this new journey. Yes it is hard, but it is also SO rewarding! Good Luck!
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Its great that you and your wife are doing this together! I'm sure that if you put your mind to it, you will "WIN, WIN, WIN" like you said in your post. It's a tough journey but it's possible.

    I don't know about you but when I was in the NAVY, I actually gained a ton of weight. My sister used to tease me when I was home on leave about it.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    welcome and good luck to can do it!!!
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    you've taken this first step and seem very determined you have great motivation meaning the only thing stopping you is yourself and I don't believe you will let that happen to you again so good luck to you you will get there xx
  • mbrigman
    Wow thank you so much for all of your support. I appreciate the encouragement from everyone...:smile: