Attention MEN!



  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    That goes double for me. I'm more than just a pretty face. HEY! Look up here when you talk to me.

    LMAO! Love it! :laugh:
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Woman here....not trying to be rude...but hey your picture looks like you are holding your boob...It might help if you change that.

    Ok see that what I am talking about. Thats just rude and insulting. So bc some d-bag took my picture out of context (when I am clearly holding a purse) i brang it on myself? This is a site for health not fb, myspace, etc.

    I addition I was generalizing men I am sorry but woman arent the ones doing it so I was simply reminding the perves and if your not one of them then kudos and it doesnt apply!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Woman here....not trying to be rude...but hey your picture looks like you are holding your boob...It might help if you change that.

    No it wouldn't help. Believe me. I have been a member on here for almost 2 years.

    I have been hit on quite tastefully on here but also have gotten some very lewd comments from guys as well.
    The tasteful comments are flattering when they are presented in the right way. And as one of the guys stated earlier, not all men here are that way. The majority of my motivational friends on this site are men BUT not one of them has disrespected me or made me feel uncomfortable.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Not sure what they said to you, and you're right people should be more tactful. But just so the rest of us men don't get accused of being pervs, what would be the right way to approach a woman.

    No woman brings it on themselves, if the remarks are obscene, derogatory, or down right sexist. But if a guy simply ask if you are married and tries to initiate a conversation/relationship, you could politely tell them you are not interested and leave it at that.

    If they are being rude or pervs I think there is a block function on here, if not you can report then to the administrator. I’m sure you are a nice girl but making a blanket statement like you did doesn’t shine the best light on you. We all get frustrated and say things we might wish we said differently, and maybe you could have come on here and ask how to deal with guys hitting on you, instead of making it appear you think you are above anyone on this site hitting on you.

    Like I said I don’t know what they said to you, and no you shouldn’t have to put up with BS here or anywhere. And don’t ignore them either, report them if they are truly being pervs, or tell them you’re not interested and move on.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    That goes double for me. I'm more than just a pretty face. HEY! Look up here when you talk to me.

    And just think I was going to post something on your profile. LOL
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I totally agreed with you. I have a lot of men as freinds and they are so helpful and motivate the heck out of me. I posted this not only for me but for everyone on this site.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    That goes double for me. I'm more than just a pretty face. HEY! Look up here when you talk to me.

  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    Maybe I'm in the wrong by saying this but although this is geared toward our healthier goals there are going to be men and women interested in one another. Its also a social site with a target! I don't think its out of line to find interest in a person on here. Shoot y'all can get fit together...but in the same breath if its something that is harassing then that is inappropriate. We make friends on here and getting a boyfriend/girlfriend on here wouldn't be that bad. If you find someone attractive use tact and be polite. If you want a booty call get on another site!!!!!!

    BTW...Love the not just another pretty face comment! Buahahahahahaaha!!!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Not sure what they said to you, and you're right people should be more tactful. But just so the rest of us men don't get accused of being pervs, what would be the right way to approach a woman.

    No woman brings it on themselves, if the remarks are obscene, derogatory, or down right sexist. But if a guy simply ask if you are married and tries to initiate a conversation/relationship, you could politely tell them you are not interested and leave it at that.

    If they are being rude or pervs I think there is a block function on here, if not you can report then to the administrator. I’m sure you are a nice girl but making a blanket statement like you did doesn’t shine the best light on you. We all get frustrated and say things we might wish we said differently, and maybe you could have come on here and ask how to deal with guys hitting on you, instead of making it appear you think you are above anyone on this site hitting on you.

    Like I said I don’t know what they said to you, and no you shouldn’t have to put up with BS here or anywhere. And don’t ignore them either, report them if they are truly being pervs, or tell them you’re not interested and move on.

    What they said.....

    BTW, OP until someone mentioned how your photo appeared, I didn't notice anything, but when I took a closer look, I realized how they could have seen things as they did.

    Until I pulled up the larger image of your avatar, by viewing your profile, I sure couldn't tell there was a purse in the photo. In the smaller image, the strap doesn't really show, and the purse blends in with the color of the door that is behind you. I realize it "obvious" to you that there is a purse in your photo, but since it is YOUR photo and you know you were holding a purse, that is what you see.

    Regardless of how your photo might be interpreted, that doesn't justify anyone messaging you with inappropriate comments. There are some very nice, supportive, yet FUNNY ( hi Roaddog--LOL) guys on here.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member

    I addition I was generalizing men I am sorry but woman arent the ones doing it so I was simply reminding the perves and if your not one of them then kudos and it doesnt apply!

    Not so sure you're generalizing. We're men. We can't help it. Luckily, in these forums, I can write something, edit it, think about it, re-edit it and not come off as bad as I would in person. In person, I just stare, drool and stutter.

    I don't believe in Karma, but if I did, I would guess that's why I have three daughters. Cosmic payback.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Not sure what they said to you, and you're right people should be more tactful. But just so the rest of us men don't get accused of being pervs, what would be the right way to approach a woman.

    No woman brings it on themselves, if the remarks are obscene, derogatory, or down right sexist. But if a guy simply ask if you are married and tries to initiate a conversation/relationship, you could politely tell them you are not interested and leave it at that.

    If they are being rude or pervs I think there is a block function on here, if not you can report then to the administrator. I’m sure you are a nice girl but making a blanket statement like you did doesn’t shine the best light on you. We all get frustrated and say things we might wish we said differently, and maybe you could have come on here and ask how to deal with guys hitting on you, instead of making it appear you think you are above anyone on this site hitting on you.

    Like I said I don’t know what they said to you, and no you shouldn’t have to put up with BS here or anywhere. And don’t ignore them either, report them if they are truly being pervs, or tell them you’re not interested and move on.

    freerange makes a great point!
  • td_ssam
    td_ssam Posts: 32
    YealLift - 1

    Urbinachick24 - 0

    That was a dumb thing to post. Not all the guys on here care only about *kitten* / tits. Block the guys that are doing what bothers you. If you've gone through all the guys on the site, then you can post, but until then...
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    YealLift - 1

    Urbinachick24 - 0

    That was a dumb thing to post. Not all the guys on here care only about *kitten* / tits. Block the guys that are doing what bothers you. If you've gone through all the guys on the site, then you can post, but until then...

    Not True-

    Women (and men) should not have to put up with inappropriate comments from every person or have to talk to every person in a community before complaining.

    That outdated logic is sooooo unbelievably chauvinistic! (and dare I say...ahem...dumb )

    It doesn't help that men don't usually 'call out' other badly behaving men by saying,
    "Hey, that is so uncool..."
    (It is noted, there were some brave souls on this thread both directly and indirectly- yay R-dog!)

    But women don't "call out" other women when they act like pigs either.

    There are some pics on MFP of both genders that are super tacky.
    Hopefully, those individuals will wise up.

    But, when someone has a really classy picture and is dissed with gutter trash, she has every right to and, in fact, is completely justified in calling foul! (using sports lingo to be completely flames for the gender joke :))
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
  • td_ssam
    td_ssam Posts: 32
    LoL I just wanted to get in this mix, relax. I agree you don't have to wait to complain as I also agree with Urbanchick. Sucks that there are guys on here that do... Ahem... Dumb stuff, but posting on here wasn't going to solve anything. She's a pretty girl, just like a lot of the girls on here and it's quite unfortunate that her or anyone else on here would have to deal with such antics.

    With that said, a simple block / defriend ought to fix that? Of course I really don't mind if she or anyone else posted anything they want.

    I'm just 'playing on both teams' is all. I like a little debate. =)

    But seriously guys, lay off the cat calls if a chick shows no interest and chicks, sorry, but there are guys that are a little less understanding.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    YealLift - 1

    Urbinachick24 - 0

    That was a dumb thing to post. Not all the guys on here care only about *kitten* / tits. Block the guys that are doing what bothers you. If you've gone through all the guys on the site, then you can post, but until then...

    Not True-

    Women (and men) should not have to put up with inappropriate comments from every person or have to talk to every person in a community before complaining.

    That outdated logic is sooooo unbelievably chauvinistic! (and dare I say...ahem...dumb )

    It doesn't help that men don't usually 'call out' other badly behaving men by saying,
    "Hey, that is so uncool..."
    (It is noted, there were some brave souls on this thread both directly and indirectly- yay R-dog!)

    But women don't "call out" other women when they act like pigs either.

    There are some pics on MFP of both genders that are super tacky.
    Hopefully, those individuals will wise up.

    But, when someone has a really classy picture and is dissed with gutter trash, she has every right to and, in fact, is completely justified in calling foul! (using sports lingo to be completely flames for the gender joke :))

    Lol I like you. Def friending you :flowerforyou:
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Well, now I'm just jealous! No one has hit on me! ;-)