Bigger, Stronger, Faster

SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone else seen this documentary? it's on Netflix for instant view, extremely interesting, basically it's all about how what the media portrays, and what people tell you about steroids are not true, or that they are extremely overdramatized. Its just interesting how they say that only 3 people die every year statistically from steroid use, and its not even on the top 100 of emergency room visits. Interviews with bodybuilders, and their familys claim that theyve never had abnormal side effects including roid rage, I mean after all, its just added T-cells in your body, I mean, those of us who lift heavy sometimes take creatine, which is found in red meat naturally, just added in powder form. Also, many claim that steroids in professional sports should not be considered cheating, especially since it is a natural substance, just increases your T-cells and can increase your red blood cells, and if everyone in professional sports forsay is taking them, the playing field would be even, just as two evil professors building giant robots to get in and fight each other, theyre still the same person, in just a bigger for, but theyre still even as well. so if youre not injecting yourself with something unnatural, should it be illegal? These are just a few thoughts, I cant make a decision for or against steroids after watching this, will I ever use them? No, I will not. Are they as bad as the media claims, and kill people and destroy people? maybe, maybe not, theres not enough evidence that medical problems that people have claimed came from steroids are really caused BY steroids. This is an awesome documentary, and definitely worth your time. If you have ever seen this, or if you have the time, go watch this, and I'd really love to hear what everyone else on MFP thinks of this, preferably if you have ever used them yourself, or if you have seen this, because I was one sided before this as well.. soooo lets hear it... GO!
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