29 and so determined! Need more MFP friends

shawana4 Posts: 49
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Okay so i started this journey 1st of the year and so far it has been going okay. I have ran into alot of obstacles along the way in these past weeks but i got through them great with the support of my MFP friend. I started this journey weighing 226 and now i am 219 and it feels great just to have lost that little bit of weight. i have notice some confidence, my energy level has boosted, i'm not tireed and most of all i feel great. I had a baby in sept of 2009 and after that 9lb baby came out i was miserable with how fat i was. Well i lost all the baby weight and more but it slowly creep back on me and now i'm here. I turn 30 in Sept and i want to lose 35lb by then and i want to look ferious. lol I don't have much support at home cause my boyfriend just loves sweets but he is doing a little better. But i need some more supporters. If you know what i mean. So what are some of your routines now that you have started your journey? An the ones that have reached there goal your support is very much welcome cause you know how it is to be at the beggining.
Thanks for listening.


  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    way to go, im here to help! feel free to add me!
  • we have a lot in common. I had a 9 lb baby in dec 09. i lost all the weight too then gained it back. i see a lot of other mothers with babies my age and i wish i looked as good as them... friend me
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    congrats on your baby! and welcome to mfp. im 30 in sept too! and want to get ot my goal before then (baby weight too, but mine is now 2yrs old lol). you can do it, stick with your calories and exercise when u can, although the baby prob has u running around! friend request sent :)
  • I am new to MFP so please feel free to add me.
  • Thanks ladies. Wow the response are quick. I love this stie.
    My 1 yr old is always in the way when i'm exercising and he is a mama boy. I put him in the walker thingy and let him cry soon he would shut up.
  • MHW22
    MHW22 Posts: 10 Member
    Well - I am 35(!) in sept (26th) and my baby turns TEN in June ... and I'll be quite honest w/ you - when I started getting really depressed about my size was the day I realized I weighed the same that day as I did the day I gave birth to him ...

    I was 204 - yep - 2 - 0 - 4... That is a Faaaaaaaar cry from the 150 I weighed when my husband and i were dating :( ... so in December I decided to start starving myself - and I lost 4lbs ...

    The 2nd week in January, I decided to change things and instead to set myself "an attainable goal" of 2lbs a week ... trying to be realistic!!! I joined on here, went to the library - checked out SEVERAL different books on diets & cookbooks - went home, reviewed them all and decided which one I thought was actually DO-ABLE ... the 3-hour diet cookbook is the one I liked the best. He told me why - how - and when - it all made since (- and the recipes are cool too :) ...

    Since I have joined on Jan 20th I have lost 6lbs!!! - and Im EATING all the time - really eating!!!! I have started walking too btw - at least 2 miles a day. ( My kids are so active that I only get to walk on my breaks/lunch so I walk 1/2 mile (7min) at each 15 min break and at least a mile (16-17 min) during my hour lunch ... that leaves me plenty of time to warm food and eat.

    I have been looking for friends too - so please - by all means add me in!!
  • will do
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