What is the BEST calorie burning exercise?



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    If you live in the warmer climates..... ROLLERBLADING!!! It's the most FUN too. I usually burn 300 + calories in about 25 minutes, depending if it's windy. :bigsmile:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I wear a HRM, and personally I dont think it matters what you do, as long as your heart rate is up for a certain amount of time you are going to burn the calories no matter what you are doing.
  • AbbiLindsey
    AbbiLindsey Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, guys! I haven't gone over my calories and I've been working out. I think watching what I eat and being able to say no has shrunk my stomach. I've also noticed I eat when I'm bored.. not when I'm hungry. BLAH!

    We've been swimming and I found this awesome machine at the gym.. its like a mixture between an elliptical and a gazelle.. it definitely makes me sweat! :)

    I appreciate all of the input! So far I'm down 20! Only 70 more to go! :)