freshman fifteen

Hi there everybody,
I'm a 21 year old student who has been struggling with weight issues ever since I moved out of my parents house three years ago and started college.
Just looking for some friends who are in the same situation as me!



  • killtheold
    Ahh, I'm in exactly the same boat! I made it through first year of uni without putting on weight but this year I have definitely put on the dreaded freshman 15. Too much take out and beer.
  • SpazyK
    SpazyK Posts: 17
    Back in college, I was a victim of the freshman 15 also! All the beers, late night snacking and stress eating - it's a wonder I didn't see it coming! While I'm not in that situation anymore, I can tell you that a LOT of people are and some don't loose it after college. It's really great that you're taking the right steps now and getting it under control. Keep at it!