Question about BMI, Body Shape and Short Girls



  • rhiannon1979
    rhiannon1979 Posts: 166 Member
    I am with you on that. I am almost 5'3" and my goal is 140 for now.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I am 5'2". I am shaped like a woman, but with a girl height! In fact I got down to 115 once due to huge stress and weight loss and my ribs were showing. It was really on the too thin edge! I know my body would rather be 125-130 where i was in high school when I was very athletic and lived on a farm. In high school I was always size 8 or 10 pants. I'm much older, though, at 49 and I tend to think I'll be lighter and good. I'm going to shoot for 130, but 120 might be my true bottom. I'll see, but I would never be able to be a mini-woman like a girl when I have hips big 'nuff to have large babies and carry around these D 'girls'. The frame counts, too, not just height. So does muscle mass.
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    I think it really depends on your frame size.

    I know there's ways to determine your frame based on your wrist circumference...I'm sure if you google it you'll find tons.

    My Bff and I are the exact same height. However she can easily weigh more than me and still look SO much thinner than I do. She also had larger wrists than I do. And she would look way too thin at a weight that I would look thin at.

    I say you do whatever makes you feel happy, healthy, and comfortable!
  • imback
    imback Posts: 10
    I agree Im 5'4 too and 117 is way too small fr me Im tryna keep my curves lol !!
  • It's funny - I'm 5'4.5" and since losing weight now I think going lower than my goal weight will still be healthy for me. I thought "I will NEVER be able to get down to 130! And I'll be so skinny then!" Well guess what? I'm at 131 right now and I feel I still have a way to go. My new goal weight is 125 and when I get there we'll see...

    My range is supposedly 111-146. At 111 I think I would be skin and bones...

    You gotta remember though - along with BMI (which isn't the best indicator because you CAN have a lot of muscle, be fit, and be "overweight" to the BMI standards), there is also body FRAME you have to take into account. Google "women frame size" and you can take various measurements of your wrist and elbow to see what "frame" you are. I am a medium frame, so I shouldn't get to that low-end of BMI like a super-tiny boned girl could. It just won't work for my frame/body type.

    Go to this site, its pretty cool: Here you can see your weight in different aspects and even select your "Frame" size and recalculate.

    Hope this helps! Keep it up chica you're awesome!
    That's cool. I looked it up and I have a medium frame, I didn't even know that you could measure that! Also, the "people's choice" ideal weight (from the website you posted) was 127, which is only 2lbs over my goal weight! lol
  • I'm 5ft 5 and I'm hoping to get down to 133. That will put me lower middle of my 'healthy' BMI so I'm more than happy with that. I've been many sizes over the years (at one point 118 which I now know was WAY too tiny for me) and I've been at the high end of overweight. As long as I look healthy I'll be happy. No point in using wrist measurements to work out my frame though - I'm Marfanoid and so my wrists are super super tiny no matter what kind of a frame I have, lol. I did that with a website once, (before I knew I had Ehlers Danlos Syndrome with Marfanoid Habitus) and it logged me as 'petite'. Well I knew I sure as heck wasn't petite! I'm at least medium anyway.
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I'm 5'4 and a little bit and currently weigh 146lbs. My goal at 136lbs at the moment. I don't think I could go any lower then this.. i have a butt and boobs and have always been curvey. I like my curves and I don't really want to loose them.

    I had a look at myself in the mirror the other day and its really just my hips and upper thighs i want to trim down a bit more. but thats always the last to go for me..and I'm pretty sure there isn't more then 10 lbs worth of stuff there to get rid of. LOL
  • This frame thing for me, is rubbish lol It's Not even close! ;)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    BMI is worthless. In pretty much all my photos I'm around 200-210 (except maybe 1) and I had a 6 pack. But BMI says I'm overweight in that range.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    UGH, the dreaded BMI :angry: I personally hate the BMI chart. It does not take into account one's frame, muscle mass, etc. I am 4'11" and have a large to very large frame. According to the BMI chart, I am morbidly obese. Yeah right!!! Way back in the dark ages of college, I weighed 120lbs and was skin and bones. I have pics of me on my 21st birthday and I looked like I should have been hooked up to an IV drip and in a hospital bed. All of my bones were sticking out, eyes were sunk in, and super thin hair. Yeah, it was nice to wear a size 4 jeans, but yuck!!!

    My personal goal is 140lbs. Even that is pushing it for me. If I make it to 160 (which is what I look like I weigh now), I will be stoked. My chesticles are already disappearing, however, I carry most of my weight stomach and hips.

    Personally, I think one should strive for a goal that they know they can achieve without harming themselves; a goal that is comfortable and maintainable. That is healthy.

    On a side note.....the stupid BMI scale will stay in existance as long as we have health insurance companies. It is a tool for said companies to charge higher premiums to people they consider "high-risk". Yeah, don't get me started about those @$$holes right now :explode:
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I think it always shocks me to find out how many people may be the same height as me and around the same weight but could be a completely different pant size. I don't quite get that! is a website that you can put in your height and weight and see people at your same size (or future size!) I put in people at my height and weight and get a completely different pant size. I'm extremely happy where I am...I was just reading a lot of girls today who planned on getting down to the 100 pound mark at around my height and my jaw dropped. I don't even know HOW I would do that, or what pants I would wear! Maybe I'm already too old! LOL! :o)

    you have muscle- which is good- and muscle weighs more than fat volume wise, covnersely it is smaller size zwise that fat for the same mass (whichever wording works for you as it is the same thing) after all what is better to weigh 111lbs but have no muscle tone or 140 and be firm and able to kick butt if need be?!
  • Yzfdude1
    Yzfdude1 Posts: 23 Member
    The BMI was developed to create a statistical model by a statistician in the early 1850's. It doesn't apply to children, or any athletes. In fact the BMI doesn't discriminate between healthy muscle mass and fat mass at all.

    Yup I give my doctor the anti BMI lecture every time she weighs me at an office visit and starts to lecture me about being "morbidly" obese. I'm only within 15% of having a body builder levels of body fat.

    "Mathematician Keith Devlin and a restaurant industry association The Center for Consumer Freedom argue that the error in the BMI is significant and so pervasive that it is not generally useful in evaluation of health.[18][19] University of Chicago political science professor Eric Oliver says BMI is a convenient but inaccurate measure of weight, forced onto the populace, and should be revised."

    I sure wish people would educate themselves on why the BMI is so horribly bad at estimating your health.
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