what are some good weight loss tips????

Hi, I am wanting to knwo what are some good weight loss tips or suggestions that works.

GW: 227

I just started this so I haven't anything. I am starting my weight loss on monday. any suggestions or tips are very much welcomed!!


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there, I think the most important thing is to go at your own rhythm. I log everything that goes into my mouth and all the exercise i do too and if you keep the balance sheet as it ought to be you will lose weight!

    You will make virtual friends and have a ball..... good luck and enjoy
  • ifeelsqueaky
    The best thing to do is count your calories, making sure you stay below your limit which MFP should calculate for you. If you can fit in some exercise and earn yourself some extra calories, all the better as it will make you fitter too. There is some debate about whether to eat the calories you earn from exercise but I do and I still lose weight. Drink plenty of liquids - about 8 glasses a day, though it doesn't have to be purely water.

    Sorry if you were looking for a quick fix tip - there really isn't one! I've been following the above and have lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks so I'd say that's pretty good :smile:
  • sweetangelfor20
    Watch your calorie count, exercise on a regular basis, and drink atleast 8 8oz glasses of water a day! Good luck! Motativation is the key to success and there are many helpful people on this site to help you!
  • KayakDeb
    Well, having spent a fair amount of time on a treadmill and elliptical - I tend to think of "calories" as "time on the treadmill". For simplicity's sake : 100 calories = 1 mile

    I will NOT walk 3 miles for a serving of french fries, for example.
  • heatypablo
    Consistency! Log everything you eat, drink and log your workouts on a daily basis - even if you had an "off" day.

    Another thing that has helped me, is planning ahead for meals. Make sure you have healthy foods and snacks in the house. It is SO easy for me to justify that I need to stop for dinner on the way home if I know I have nothing to cook at home.

    BUT most importantly... don't get down on yourself if you do have a back day/weekend/week - get back on track and move on. It's very powering to see that you can make mistakes and still be successful as long as you learn from them and get back on the wagon!

    I hope this helps, good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    STRENGTH TRAINING!!! I cannot emphasize that enough. This is going to be your biggest and best weapon to great weight loss!!!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Take measurements, and don't let 'non weight lost' get you down. Have patience, take your time, exercise, watch what you eat, find your weakness my is Sodium. Drink your water intake per day...best wishes hun xo
  • Thick80
    Thick80 Posts: 29 Member
    1. Drink as much water as you can every single day. I drink a gallon a day and I've had great success!
    2. Eat the exercise calories, but make them count with nutritious foods.
    3. Let people know what you're trying to do so it's more "official" and it will be harder to quit.
    4. Make room in your calorie "budget" for those things you love. Don't deprive yourself, but earn it!
    5. Log EVERYTHING you eat and drink. The motto is "you bite it, you write it."
    6. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! You can do this and you are worth it!!

    I've used this site to lose 54 pounds in the last year. I didn't think I would ever do anything but get fatter, but I've turned things around for myself. So will you, but it takes work and dedication! Good luck to you!
  • dyte
    dyte Posts: 13
    Discipline is key. As much as a burger and fries sounds good, have to stay away. Losing weight was extremely difficult for me because my friends and me would eat and drink wine on weekends. Then I would work out like crazy during the week....well the results weren't working! I've learned that I can not be enjoying my weekends eating and drinking wine with my friends....well I can but I have to watch what and how much I eat.

    So enough about me! My recommendation is work out and watch what you eat. If the scale is stuck, then push yourself extra hard when working out. Watch the portions and you will see your weight melt off!
  • deedsy
    deedsy Posts: 13 Member
    Like everyone else said count your calories, exercise and weight training is key. Find something that keeps you motivated for example, I use this site for motivation everyday weight loss is not easy, but it can be done. Another good tip that I use is try to stay away from sodas and juices those calories add up over time. Good luck and constantly remind yourself you can do it cause you can!!!!
  • sbracken
    The best advice I've ever gotten or given is.....

    What works for one person, may or may not work for someone else.
  • Kimmerz1
    Kimmerz1 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks everyone! Very good tips and suggestions.. If anyone wants to be my friend you can add me I would like some support and help!! BTW: I have a baby march of 2009 and my starting weight then was 227 and went up to 280 being pregnant and now my current weight is 274 and would like to be at 227 for starting goal.
  • Kimmerz1
    Kimmerz1 Posts: 64 Member
    I was looking at how much you lost and that is wonderful!! WTG!! Any eating tips you have that worked or exercise I would love to hear!!
  • LivingFree
    I just started in January too. You can add me as a friend - the more support the better for everyone!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    The best things I did where, I ate my exercise calories and I bought a food scale. You will be amazing with what a serving of food really is, WOW!!

    Everything else has been said. Good luck on your journey. I hope you find a way that works for you.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    here's the most helpful thing that I have ever done... EAT BREAKFAST!!! and not 4 hours after you wake up, within the hour of first waking, this will jump start your metabolism in the morning and get it going so you can burn more calories throughout the day. Also, I replaced all my drinks with water instead of juice or milk or soda. I do drink at least one cup of tea every day and i do still consume dairy in my cereal and with yogurt and such. oh! and another suggestion would be to measure your portions out at first and remember to log condiments in your log as well. hope this helps!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Pretty much what everyone else said:

    -log everything (it will help you see where/if you need to make changes)
    -be prepared (keep healthy snacks on hand at all times)
    -don't make wholesale changes (change your lifestyle at your own pace)
    -believe in yourself (you have to want it and believe you can do it first)
    -don't give up every food you love (have them in moderation)
    -choose an overall goal and write it down (not necessarily lbs lost, inches lost count too)
    -don't worry about the scale so much (see the above)
    -choose milestones (that way you have a way to track overall progress, like going down a pant size in a month)

    That's all I have...