Bathroom Regulations--Just for laughs



  • jantawa
    jantawa Posts: 182 Member
    Have to admit your memo was funny but one pet peeve I have is people who take the time to use the paper protector to place on the seat and then leave it on there for the next person to dispose of. If they are so worried about getting someone else's germs, they should consider cleaning up after themselves when they are done out of common courtesy for the next person (same thing goes for flushing...ewwww gross)..
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    No freakin way!!! You and your co workers must have died reading this. Is your boss male or female? I'm thinking male hahaha

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Not helpful unless it covers male urinal etiquette!

    Too funny, and urinal etiquette is important. Many years ago I was in a bar after a concert. It was mid-week so not a lot of patrons and I needed the loo. I was standing at the urinal, and a guy came in and although there was only the two of us he parks next to me, violating rule one, (if there is room, leave a gap), then he looks over, violating rule two (no looking), then he says 'Nice looking hose you got there', violating rule three, (no conversation allowed unless it's sports related). Then he said 'I used to have one like that when I was younger' :laugh: I finished quickly, washed up, and got the heck out of there!:laugh:

  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Forgot the "please do not talk on your cell phone in the stall" item :noway: :laugh:
    or hiding in a stall to TEXT. We've deamed this "kotexting" in our office. :bigsmile:
  • Ha ha! This is absolutely hilarious! Yes - much of it is true, but also truly sad that it needs to be spelled out in an email! I think I probably would have peed myself laughing had I received this email! :laugh: :laugh:

    That being said - I work in a shop and am the only female that uses the shop washroom - I often have to put the seat down and wipe the 'leftovers' off the little open spot at the front of the toilet before sitting down :grumble: - at least we have cleaners that come in and wipe it down every day!
  • That is just crazy! I'm so glad I don't work in that kind of office environment any more...
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