HEY LADIES!!! Hair do help?



  • sunshinesukie
    sunshinesukie Posts: 22 Member
    You could buy a zig zag toothed hairband like this one;


    I have a heavy fringe (think they are bangs in the US?) and when I can't be bothered straightening it or simply for speed, I pop one of those hairbands in and sweep my hair back. It makes a lovely effect as the hair kinda sections off through the prongs - really pretty and out of the way all day in the office.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Slightly underqualified to give advice on hair.

    RoadDog - You crack me up every time I see a post from you! :laugh:

    Jess - go for a long layered cut - you can still pull it back in a ponytail when you need to!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I had long, thick, crazy wavy hair and the BEST thing I ever did was to get layers chopped. That way I still had the length but it was considerably easier to manage. It held styles a LOT better and I could straighten it without a headache. My ponytails also looked wayyyyyy less bulky and plain.

    It's ONLY hair... It will grow back. I like changing my look up and have been known to grab scissors and chop my own design (only to require professional help shortly after... Much like TV stunts, this activity should carry a warning) but it's kind of fun to see what looks good.

    Sure, you can play around with quick easy up-do's but I'm not understanding why getting it cut is out of the question when you're frustrated with the way it is now... ???
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    there are some great ideas on here but if your unsure of how to do them take a look on youtube :smile:

    I have very thick hair so i completely understand, it is a workout though holding your arms in the air for that long a time :wink:

    x jo x
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    You could pull it back in a loose bun, or braid it back. Hmm.. you might like it if you get it cut in layers, with a natrual wave it might look more stylish (depends which way it waves) My suggestion is google hairstyles and find a sight that lets you put in details like long, thick, and so on then shows you pics of different ways to wear it. Also, mine is wavy.. sometimes I use a mouse and flip my head upside down while hair is wet then scrunch it with mouse-- I get curly/wavy hair and it stays at least for one day.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    You could buy a zig zag toothed hairband like this one;


    I have a heavy fringe (think they are bangs in the US?) and when I can't be bothered straightening it or simply for speed, I pop one of those hairbands in and sweep my hair back. It makes a lovely effect as the hair kinda sections off through the prongs - really pretty and out of the way all day in the office.

    Link doesn't work :(
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Sure, you can play around with quick easy up-do's but I'm not understanding why getting it cut is out of the question when you're frustrated with the way it is now... ???

    Because when I'm out on a normal basis I love having my hair up in a long ponytail, i love the way that looks - but it's not acceptable at work. I love the way it looks when I straighten it also but it takes forever and I don't have the time to spend over 2 hours every morning straightening my hair before work!.

    I'll look into some of the long, layered cuts and see what I can find!

    I also bought hot rollers last night and will try them this weekend!