Anybody out there doing Couch to 5K?



  • jennacle
    jennacle Posts: 8 Member
    How do you guys put "Couch to 5k" when you record your exercises on myfitnesspal?
  • jennacle
    jennacle Posts: 8 Member
    How do you guys put "Couch to 5k" when you record your exercises on myfitnesspal?

    So I know I am quoting myself but I just made my own formulation. For anyone who doesn't know how to record their couch to 5k exercise this may help, and for anyone who does know how perhaps you have another way you'd like to share. This is my Week One Day One for Couch to 5K. However, if you chose to jog during your warm up, or if you chose to run, keep in mind that I chose to jog instead of run which does change how many calories burned. You can still use and alter this formulation so you can calculate how many calories YOU burned, but don't skip to the end and copy my calories because they may be different! Ready? Here we go :)

    Week One Day One: "Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes." (This is from: It contains the chart for the program so all you have to do is find what week and what day you are on and bingo! You've got that part of the formulation)

    20 minutes x 60 seconds =1200 seconds

    90 seconds of jogging
    60 seconds of walking

    90 seconds of jogging + 60 seconds of walking= 150 seconds

    1200 seconds total divided by 150 seconds= 8 total times that we will do 90 + 60

    90 seconds of jogging x 8 times that I will do it= 720 seconds

    720 seconds divided by 60 seconds= 12 minutes total of jogging

    60 seconds of walking x 8 times that I will do it= 480 seconds of walking

    480 seconds divided by 60 seconds = 8 minutes

    (or you could skip the final step because you know that 60 seconds is also one minute, times 8 times you will walk)

    Also remember to add your 5 minute warm up which is up to you whether you chose to jog or walk.

    I chose to walk, so that would be:

    8 minutes of walking + 5 minutes of warm up = 13 minutes of walking

    So to log on myfitnesspal:

    13 minutes of brisk walking (or whichever pace you chose to do, I did brisk)
    8 minutes of jogging

    On a side note: Don’t forget to log any other walking you are doing throughout your day including walking your dog, or walking around the mall, or walking through a park, anything. Small things add up!

    I hope this helps anyone who was struggling trying to figure it out like myself! I just wanted to save anyone the hassle. You can use this for whatever day or week you are on or if you are not on Couch to 5k but something similar, you can use the formula as well.

    13 minutes of brisk walking: 72 Calories burned
    8 minutes of jogging 5 mph (12 min mile): 71 Calories burned
    Total Calories Burned Over 30 Minutes of Couch to 5K Week One Day One= 143 Woohoo!

    Have a great day yall!
  • How do you guys put "Couch to 5k" when you record your exercises on myfitnesspal?

    So I know I am quoting myself but I just made my own formulation. For anyone who doesn't know how to record their couch to 5k exercise this may help, and for anyone who does know how perhaps you have another way you'd like to share. This is my Week One Day One for Couch to 5K. However, if you chose to jog during your warm up, or if you chose to run, keep in mind that I chose to jog instead of run which does change how many calories burned. You can still use and alter this formulation so you can calculate how many calories YOU burned, but don't skip to the end and copy my calories because they may be different! Ready? Here we go :)

    Week One Day One: "Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes." (This is from: It contains the chart for the program so all you have to do is find what week and what day you are on and bingo! You've got that part of the formulation)

    20 minutes x 60 seconds =1200 seconds

    90 seconds of jogging
    60 seconds of walking

    90 seconds of jogging + 60 seconds of walking= 150 seconds

    1200 seconds total divided by 150 seconds= 8 total times that we will do 90 + 60

    90 seconds of jogging x 8 times that I will do it= 720 seconds

    720 seconds divided by 60 seconds= 12 minutes total of jogging

    60 seconds of walking x 8 times that I will do it= 480 seconds of walking

    480 seconds divided by 60 seconds = 8 minutes

    (or you could skip the final step because you know that 60 seconds is also one minute, times 8 times you will walk)

    Also remember to add your 5 minute warm up which is up to you whether you chose to jog or walk.

    I chose to walk, so that would be:

    8 minutes of walking + 5 minutes of warm up = 13 minutes of walking

    So to log on myfitnesspal:

    13 minutes of brisk walking (or whichever pace you chose to do, I did brisk)
    8 minutes of jogging

    On a side note: Don’t forget to log any other walking you are doing throughout your day including walking your dog, or walking around the mall, or walking through a park, anything. Small things add up!

    I hope this helps anyone who was struggling trying to figure it out like myself! I just wanted to save anyone the hassle. You can use this for whatever day or week you are on or if you are not on Couch to 5k but something similar, you can use the formula as well.

    13 minutes of brisk walking: 72 Calories burned
    8 minutes of jogging 5 mph (12 min mile): 71 Calories burned
    Total Calories Burned Over 30 Minutes of Couch to 5K Week One Day One= 143 Woohoo!

    Have a great day yall!

    I wear my Heart Rate Monitor and log the calories it says....
    I have done Week 1 Day 1, but the program on my droid kept dying and running when it is under 40 degrees outside makes it feel like I am juggling hedgehogs inside my lungs. Asthma is no fun when it is cold!!
    I am going to download the paid version today to see if it is less buggy.
  • debgiles222
    debgiles222 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm doing it and starting week 4 this week. Up until now the workouts have sounded doable but this weeks just sounds hard. Gotta keep pushing through. I've got about 2 empty weeks in between the end of C25K and my 5K but I know it'll only get harder so I want to wait a little longer before I use one of those. I'll have to check out the app for iphone tho. That sounds like itd be a great tool to use.
  • jennacle
    jennacle Posts: 8 Member
    How do you guys put "Couch to 5k" when you record your exercises on myfitnesspal?

    So I know I am quoting myself but I just made my own formulation. For anyone who doesn't know how to record their couch to 5k exercise this may help, and for anyone who does know how perhaps you have another way you'd like to share. This is my Week One Day One for Couch to 5K. However, if you chose to jog during your warm up, or if you chose to run, keep in mind that I chose to jog instead of run which does change how many calories burned. You can still use and alter this formulation so you can calculate how many calories YOU burned, but don't skip to the end and copy my calories because they may be different! Ready? Here we go :)

    Week One Day One: "Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes." (This is from: It contains the chart for the program so all you have to do is find what week and what day you are on and bingo! You've got that part of the formulation)

    20 minutes x 60 seconds =1200 seconds

    90 seconds of jogging
    60 seconds of walking

    90 seconds of jogging + 60 seconds of walking= 150 seconds

    1200 seconds total divided by 150 seconds= 8 total times that we will do 90 + 60

    90 seconds of jogging x 8 times that I will do it= 720 seconds

    720 seconds divided by 60 seconds= 12 minutes total of jogging

    60 seconds of walking x 8 times that I will do it= 480 seconds of walking

    480 seconds divided by 60 seconds = 8 minutes

    (or you could skip the final step because you know that 60 seconds is also one minute, times 8 times you will walk)

    Also remember to add your 5 minute warm up which is up to you whether you chose to jog or walk.

    I chose to walk, so that would be:

    8 minutes of walking + 5 minutes of warm up = 13 minutes of walking

    So to log on myfitnesspal:

    13 minutes of brisk walking (or whichever pace you chose to do, I did brisk)
    8 minutes of jogging

    On a side note: Don’t forget to log any other walking you are doing throughout your day including walking your dog, or walking around the mall, or walking through a park, anything. Small things add up!

    I hope this helps anyone who was struggling trying to figure it out like myself! I just wanted to save anyone the hassle. You can use this for whatever day or week you are on or if you are not on Couch to 5k but something similar, you can use the formula as well.

    13 minutes of brisk walking: 72 Calories burned
    8 minutes of jogging 5 mph (12 min mile): 71 Calories burned
    Total Calories Burned Over 30 Minutes of Couch to 5K Week One Day One= 143 Woohoo!

    Have a great day yall!

    I wear my Heart Rate Monitor and log the calories it says....
    I have done Week 1 Day 1, but the program on my droid kept dying and running when it is under 40 degrees outside makes it feel like I am juggling hedgehogs inside my lungs. Asthma is no fun when it is cold!!
    I am going to download the paid version today to see if it is less buggy.

    That sucks about asthma I used to have asthma. Thank you for replying I wish I had a heart rate monitor to log the calories it says. But that is a great point! a heart rate monitor would make it so much easier. I have an iphone and it does fine in our 30 degree whether but I do get concerned about it getting too cold. I have the paid couch to 5k. There are a few of them but I have the brown one and have not had a problem with it the about 4 times I've used it so far.
  • brooke741
    brooke741 Posts: 14
    I'm using an app called Ease to 5k on my android. I love it so far! I have always sucked at running so this should be interesting! :D My husband is in the Coast Guard and deployed for two months, I'm hoping to impress him when he gets home.
  • Island_Style20
    Island_Style20 Posts: 98 Member
    Well, reading all these posts is pretty inspiring. I tried week one/day one and could barely even make it through that. I have a really hard time breathing when running. Gave up the first time trying it. Perhaps I should give it another shot and just work through the same exercise a couple days in a row. I'd really like to be able to run longer. :(
  • Rabbitfeet
    Rabbitfeet Posts: 92 Member
    I have the app but no time! I am planning on starting once my finals are finished in 2 weeks! I find it so hard to jog I either walk or sprint and then I cant sustain my sprinting for very long. This is just practise I suppose!
  • becks2089
    becks2089 Posts: 20 Member
    I was doing it!
    I did a whole 5 weeks and was feeling wonderful! But I just recently started a strength program that doesn't allow Cardio the first month... so sadly I have to leave my progress behind. :(

    Great Luck!
  • kgibbz
    kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
    I just graduated last week. I loved the program. Trust it! I know sometimes the runs (ie 5 mins, 8 mins and 20mins) seem very intimidating but you are ready and it is ok to repeat weeks. I did. Now that Ive graduated I can run for 30 mins straight as slow as a snail but still a jog. Im working on my time now. Im also doing a Susan G Komen 5k in May.
  • TheAshpie
    TheAshpie Posts: 62 Member
    I am! I'm on week two day 2. I love it so far can wait to see the results!
  • This is great! I am starting Week 1 Day 1 today!
    Thanks so much, you saved me the hassle!
  • holydiet
    holydiet Posts: 3
    This morning I did week 3 day 1.
    5 mins walking
    90 sec running + 90 sec walking
    3 mins running + 3 mins walking
    5 mins walking

    3 mins running was really difficult at the last 30 sec.
    But I finished :)
  • izzy7733
    izzy7733 Posts: 5
    Week 1 Day 2- Doing better than I thought, and it is hot here in Michigan.
  • celiason81
    celiason81 Posts: 57 Member
    I've been doing a modified version as I have only been doing C25K 2 days a week, with other workouts 3 days a week. I am currently struggling to get through week 5. Getting through that 8 min run is killing me! Can't wait to hear of more success stories and the big improvements in the end!
  • tklaing
    tklaing Posts: 20
    I just started today !
    I actually just finished my first workout, I feel great. (A little sore, but otherwise great !)
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Yesterday I finished week nine day three. It was hard at times but I am happy finished all nine weeks.