MOST Embarrassing FAT moment!



  • Most embarrassing moment that caused me to become weight conscious was when I was 13. Yes, 13, 7th grade girls locker room. I was standing at the door waiting for the bell to ring when 2 thin and popular girls rounded the corner and stopped. One said to the other," Looks like we can't leave, the hippo's in the way." The whole locker room heard it and I was made fun of by the entire class for the rest of the year.
    My wake up call that led me here, however, was that I could no longer fit into my pants. Not even my "fat" ones. My husband had lost sexual interest in me. The frosting on the cake was when my 3 yr old came up and hugged me, then squashed my belly and said," Mommy, you're fat!" I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror anymore without getting disgusted with how far I'd let myself go.

    My family taught him not to even say the word fat.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I would have to say it would be the time i was sleeping over my friends house, i was probably about 12 or 13. she made us grilled cheese and I didn't know how to make one at the time. I had finished mine and was still hungry so i asked for another one, when she didn't answer me I thought she didn't hear me so i asked again. At that point her mother said very loudly from the other room "geez what are you a little pig? you don't need another one!" I turned about three different shades of red and then quietly told my friend I didn't need another one. Let's just say that was one of the last times I went over her house. It still makes me turn red just thinking about it
  • I would have to say it would be the time i was sleeping over my friends house, i was probably about 12 or 13. she made us grilled cheese and I didn't know how to make one at the time. I had finished mine and was still hungry so i asked for another one, when she didn't answer me I thought she didn't hear me so i asked again. At that point her mother said very loudly from the other room "geez what are you a little pig? you don't need another one!" I turned about three different shades of red and then quietly told my friend I didn't need another one. Let's just say that was one of the last times I went over her house. It still makes me turn red just thinking about it

    Wow, that's just awful. There is a way to talk to a child if you think they shouldn't have something and she FAILED! As adults, we have to realize that how we treat children and food relationships will affect them for the rest of their lives....which is one reason why we have an obesity problem. You are not alone, Hun. I have a similiar story. Thanks for sharing!
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    The funnest one I can think of was actually in High school when I was skinny. But even skinny I am curvy especially from behind. I was at an amusement park and they had a guess your weight booth , he was way low and I won the prize, when I turned around to walk away he said " oh I didn't see what you had behind you, no wonder I was off by so much" I laughed my Butt off( no pun intended).
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Last year I was standing outside the school cafeteria waiting for my class when the mother of one of my student's came up to me. She was so happy and full of joy as she said...
    "Oh, that is so exciting! You're expecting another baby?!" :bigsmile:
    "Ummmmmm....nope. Just carrying extra padding from the last one." :grumble:
    :embarassed: " sorry. It must just be the style of shirt. I thought it was maternity."

    And that sealed the deal. I knew then that other people saw me as fat.
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