I've Been Using this site for 1 week

I have been trying to lose weight since May 2010. I lost 19 lbs very quickly by counting calories. Then i hit a wall and fell off for about 3 months. And gained back 7 lbs. I started again in January 2011, however, I was missing the exercise and the rest of the nutritional goals that I should have been monitoring. I now have been on this site for 1 week and I have lost 4 lbs. It is amazing. I have to say that it is addicting. I am monitoring this site constantly. I drink about 12 glasses of water a day. I exercise daily and I feel great. I am noticing body differences, not just the weight loss. I am eating more healthy, not just counting calories. It makes a large difference. My goal is to lose 24 more lbs. Here we go!!!
