New to all this

Hi. I'm still relatively new here, I guess.
I've been on MFP for a while, but have only recently started checking out the forums and blogs.
I finally decided to really buckle down and lose at least 80 lbs this year. (My goal is to weigh 230lbs. Which is -100 lbs from my heaviest of 330lbs in 2008.) I've been heavy my whole life and am ready for change. I want to look better standing next to my gorgeous wife and I want to be a better example for by two cool sons.
I'm down 8 lbs since Jan 1st just by eating less.
I'm ready now to eat healthier too.

Looking forward to receiving encouragement, advice, workout info, and I guess receipes from some of you.
Hopefully, through my comments and blogs, I can encourage some of you as well.