Accommodating different calorie goals in a couple

So my calorie goal is 1270, which I'm usually close to (I'm getting better anyway). My boyfriend's calorie goal is about 2300. There are good reasons for the difference (he has an active day-job, I sit at a desk, he works out way more, and has a higher metabolism), but how do you accommodate that in your meals? Usually he eats more than me per meal, but I don't think it's an extra 1000 calories worth. (He has yet to complete a full day of meals and exercise on MPF; he just joined.) What do others do in this situation?



  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    My thin active hubbie drinks a protein shake after he works out, which helps bring the gap closer. And he eats more at meals and has a heartier evening snack. And I shoot daggers out of my eyes at him the entire time. :grumble:
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I give my husband an extra half serving of meat at dinner plus a roll and 8 oz. Of drink all of which I skip. Also he eats more snacks. Graham cracker peanut butter yogurt side salad mixed nuts and his meals. I may have one small snack and 3 meals.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    Portion size, definitely. My partner eats a whole lot more than I do! I often eat the same things, just smaller! Like half a portion for me, and then I'll fill the rest of my plate with vegetables. :smile:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    My husband is NOT dieting but we have similar calorie differences (or did, until I upped my calories). Basically I serve him about 1 1/2 times what I serve myself to start off with, and he gets more than that at times too. If we have bread, I don't always eat it -- he always can. He gets to add butter and ranch dressing and all sorts of stuff to his food and I don't. He drinks juice and I rarely do. He drinks sweet tea all of the time while I am drinking water. He probably isn't eating quite as healthy as I am but I can't figure out any other way to get in that many calories!
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I have the same problem with my husband.

    I say you need to get that boy some High calorie healthy snacks in during the day, and get him to eat More often. When my husband eats regularly, he can lose 3-4 pounds in a week with out even exercising because his job is a high activity type job.

    For example: One medium apple by itself is only 80 cals, but add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter to that for 190 calories and you have a 270 calorie snack at mid morning.

    You could also get him using some whey protein in his breakfast and such.

    Another healthy way to add calories is to get him to eat nuts in all of his salads (Almonds and such).

    Remember when you are choosing foods to choose foods for him that are just as high in fiber as they are in carbohydrates. These are usually pretty high calorie food, but the fiber content knocks out some of the carb value in your body (look up Atkins Methodology)

    Good Luck!
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    nuts and peanut butter are great to add in to his day.... and i agree with the protein suggestion from above. also, instead of pam, for his meals use olive oil or coconut oil.
  • fevre
    fevre Posts: 60 Member
    Have your dinner be a few different things - one main dish and then some sides. For instance, you could both have meat, but if you have a small amount of meat and some vegetables while he has a larger amount of meat and vegetables, and maybe some potatoes or something else. He could also try to pick up those calories during the day while you're both at work (especially if it's hard for you to watch him eat without you - I know it kills me when my SO can eat whatever and I'm dieting) or while he's exercising. A protein shake, a bigger lunch, etc etc
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My husband is supposed to be eating almost 2 times what I do because he's trying to build muscle mass. He drinks 2 protein shakes and eats 3-4 meals a day. His portions are usually about twice what mine are. We have different schedules during the day but we definitely eat dinner together and often eat the same breakfast. When I cook I just make a lot more for him.
  • ldashburn
    ldashburn Posts: 7 Member
    I eat about 2300 calories and my GF eats about 1200. This actually isn't too hard to work out. We both eat what we like for breakfast and lunch. I usually eat cereal or oatmeal and orange juice for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch. She has coffee, yogart and maybe a piece of fruit and a salad. I tend to double up on my snacks (usually 90 calorie bars or 100 calorie snacks) and I eat them every 2 hours. Because of her job, she usually doesn't get a snack during the day but when she does, she only eats 1 snack. For dinner, I usually just eat double what she does for the main course unless it's high in fat, then it may only be a little bit more. The trick is not to begrudge him the extra calories, and he shouldn't rub it in when he gets to eat an evening snack and you don't. To avoid that I will usually eat it in the kitchen if she doesn't get one.
  • kitchentales
    Thanks everyone! So far he's been good about not rubbing in being able to eat things I can't, but it also doesn't bug me all the time, because usually he'll eat when I'm not hungry. The hard part I think is finding a healthy way to up his calorie intake. I'll pass along these ideas though, and try to get him to start using the app I set up on his phone.