Weight Lifting.....(women)

shanamalena Posts: 58
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
My husband has a weight bench, So I lift weights probably every other day. But I was wondering what other women do as far as sets and reps??

On the arm exercise....whatever its called!! lol With the big long bar....lol But anyways the bar weighs 30 pounds. So I do 5 reps of 20. Then today I started doing 5 reps of 20 with 10pounds on the bar, so 40 pounds.

Then on the leg press or whatever its called.....I put 50 pounds on there and do 5 reps of 20.

But I was wondering if thats somewhat okay for my weight (204) or should I try to do more. I know I could do more, its not like Im wore out. I just dont wanna over do it . I know fat will turn into muscle, and I dont wanna look like a man or bodybuilder. lol

I also would like to know what other women are doing so I could somewhat compare what Im doing to other workouts.....Thanks


  • This was the most useful article I found on muscles! http://www.criticalbench.com/reduce_muscle_size.htm
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    You need testoserone to look like a man, or a bodybuilder. Lift as heavy as you can. You want to work your muscles, or you are only doing resistance cardio. Shoot for 10 to 15 reps max. If you can do more than 15 lift heavier. Just don't use steroids, and you will be fine.
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    I bought the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and will be atrting the plan soon. Fat does not turn into muscle. They are separate things. You have to work really really hard as a woman to look like a body builder, because we don't have high levels of testosterone. So don't work about getting "big." If you think you can do more, then do more! But I do recommend checking out some books or websites to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly. You don't want to hurt yourself!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I know fat will turn into muscle, and I dont wanna look like a man or bodybuilder. lol

    scientifically, fat doesn't turn into muscle. When you're losing weight, your fat cells shrink. Weight lifting (heavy with not as many reps) is great for maintaining lean muscle you already have. And women don't bulk up. We don't have the testosterone level. And especially wouldn't happen when losing weight since muscle building requires a calorie surplus - not deficit.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    In my own opinion, I find it much better to lift heavy weights at low reps
    At 8 reps a set, and heavy enough to where i can barely get that last one done

    It will help you build more lean muscle mass this way, And boost your metabolism. You wont get all bulky this way, as women do not have the testosterone to be all big and beefy like men
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    So many women think they will bulk up if they lift weights and that is NOT true!!! We don't have the hormones that allow that. You would have to be doing some majorly serious weights and monster supplements for that to happen! I worked at a gym for 8 years and will tell you that weights are excellent! You will continue to burn calories after you have lifted where as in cardio you burn while you are working out and then it slows down. I would suggest lifting heavier weights so that when you get to reps 10-12 of the second set you just physically can't do anymore. Good luck!
  • Oh okay.....lol I have always been told that if your fat that you dont wanna lift alot of weights because you will end up looking like a man.....lol

    I didnt know lifting weights will build up your metabolism too, thats awesome to know!!

    Thanks alot!!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Yeah, reps of 20 is too many reps, and your weight is too light! You should be doing between 10-15 reps, and only doing 2 or 3 sets of those.

    I am not sure what exercise you mean when you are describing the arm one... but for leg press, you can surely do more. I am leg pressing 140 right now - and granted, I did spend time building up to that. But it sounds like what you are doing isn't even affecting you at all. Especially not if you can do 60+ reps of something.

    I would consider getting a few sessions of personal training! Learn which weights will be the best for you to do, how much you should be lifting, and then how and when to up your weights. It's worth the investment!
  • DHalaby73
    DHalaby73 Posts: 980 Member
    I can tell you from experience you will not look like a man..I've been lifting for 15 yrs and love it..It helped me loose the weight I wanted to loose and it's like an addiction..If I don't go to the gym I feel like crap...I do legs one day,chest and triceps,back and biceps,and then shoulders and calves..and to answer your question building your muscle does help burn the fat..If you go to this site it'll give you more info as well as give you an routines to follow..

    And it's 4 sets of 12 each exercise you do ok...you don't have to lift heavy start low and work your way up.


    Here's another link

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