Weight Lifters! I need your help



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Oooh i see, Like i said I rarely eat them back, so i have no problem haha

    was quite curious, since that would mean that i burned 1088 calories today with my morning run

    You're over doing it. You're going to burn yourself out. You most likely aren't eating enough.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    As an aside, you won't see much muscle growth/strength increase on a low calorie diet. Not to say there will be none, but it will be limited.

    I think this is true of a "low calorie" diet... but not a calorie deficit diet.

    I regularly run a 300-500 calorie deficit and still put on 5lbs of muscle since January 1st. In case others were curious how I know this, I have a body fat monitor that shows my BF running a little lower (18.7 to 18.1) and my weight is 5 lbs higher.

    The key is to make sure that you get enough protein (and the type of protein) as well as enough base line calories. I usually consume over 2000 calories a day - but still hold a deficit.

    The other key to muscle growth is in the type of exercises you do... everything from you set numbers to your weight loads, rest period and even your rep type (full range, partial or x-rep).

    Agreed. Yes you can build muscle on a deficit, but the greater the deficit the less efficient it will be to build muscle and the more efficient it will be to lose fat (to a certain degree since metabolism will slow down) I have been eating under maintenance for the majority of my weight lifting tenure and still gained muscle because the nutrition was there
  • You will never know how much you actually burn lifting, it is an estimate.... and 90 mins is to long.... 45-60 is perfect.

    and are you at your target weight loss point? if so, you need to eat more to gain muscle
    if you arnt don't worry, still lift heavy...... get down to your leanest then worry about gaining more muscle!
    remember that fat cannot turn into muscle.. You need to focus on getting rid of the fat.

    make sure you are getting in your protein... at least a gram per lb of body weight. So if you are 130lbs make sure you consume at least 130 grams of protein...

    this website is designed to help you lose weight so it does not provide you with the appropriate amount of grams of protein you need to GAIN muscle.

    please disregard any advice that contradicts my answer..

    -personal trainer - soon to be fitness expert
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    You will never know how much you actually burn lifting, it is an estimate.... and 90 mins is to long.... 45-60 is perfect.

    please disregard any advice that contradicts my answer..

    -personal trainer - soon to be fitness expert

    LOL. Love that middle sentence.

    I train in weight lifting for 90 minutes to 2 hours each session. This is because I work more than one or two muscle groups. I also like to take my time and lift SLOW so that I can watch my form. I weigh 160lbs and I now have 17.4% body fat. I guess I must be doing something wrong, according to you.

    I have talked to many "Fitness Experts" and they are like any other profession... there are those that graduated in the upper half of their class and those that graduated in the lower half. And then there are those who stick to the education only and cannot think outside the books.

    Please - to all - consider MANY different forms of advice... do your OWN research... talk to MANY "experts" and then make a choice that fits YOUR BODY.

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