"I'm stuck"

shellymeyer Posts: 1 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I started this program on January 3rd and today is the 27th. I was doing great and had lost 8lbs..yeah go me! Now I have been stuck for what will be a week tomorrow. I am sticking to the 1200 calories per day, in fact I haven't evan reached that many (just because I am not hungry) and I am doing a minimum of 25min per day of cardio exercise (treadmill) along with 75-100 abdominal crunches. The scale says the same weight, but I almost feel like things are once again a little tighter when fitting them on?? Can anyone please offer some suggestions to help re-boost this process? Thanks so much!
Shelly's Belly


  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Maybe you change up your workout,maybe your body is getting used to the same thing.Try using weights if havent yet.
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    we started around the same time , I have lost 7 pounds so far. last week was not so good and realized i had to chance some of the snacks that i was eating ..for healthier ones. Yoour body may just be adjusting to the change but it;s important that you do keep your metabolims going. Even if you are not hungry just have a little snack to keep it going . Drink lost of water :)
    I barely got the swing of thinngs again...just dont give up you are getting healthier and the weight will come off eventually . :)
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    Are you drinking enough water and eating enough fiber? That's the first thing I would look at because if you're truly exercising and only eating 1200 calories a day, you should be on the right path. However, if you're not (let's put it nicely and say) evacuating properly by drinking lots of water and eating fiber, you might be retaining water or clogged up. Know what I mean?
  • I agree, in the past (pre 3rd baby) i would stay the same sometime. The problem was i was doing the same routine, til i changed it up a little. Good luck!
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    The unfortunat news is that this is typical. But it's ok. Just realize that 1) maybe you're bloated if things are feeling tight or 2) maybe your dryer was just extra hot on the last cycle or 3) most likely your body is just adjusting, as all our bodies do, when they are trying to figure out what's going on. Stay away from the scale for a week if you need to, maybe mix up the exercise you are doing, but overall just stick with it. It'll go away... sometimes quicker than others. It's normal.
  • Hey, often times... when I diet... I actually will lose around 5-10 lbs....then it stops, and turns into me losing inches, only. I'm not really sure how that happens, but it does to me..everytime.

  • I am the same way. I have lost 10 lbs. since January 1st and now the last week is just idle. I do not want to loose momentum and start to give up because I am doing so well. I am staying within the 1200 calorie daily limit, I am going to try with eating more calories in the morning and afternoon, to burn throughout the day instead of having so many at night time. But thank you , I know now that I am not the only one feeling this way.
  • Your body may be in starvation mode. I have always been told never to let your calories go below 1200. If your doing cardio, at approx. 100 calories you need to eat at least 1300. Try 400 calorie meals and a 100 calorie snack. Food is fuel; your body needs it. Good Luck!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    U will have to switch up a little, your body get use to do certain exercises that it is bored ,spicy up a little go to Walmart buy a new exercise dvd. And watch your calories may be too little and when u exercise your body feels that u are starving it so hold on to water and weight
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