Hello... I'm new here.

My name is Joyce and I am a stay at home mom to a very active 15months old baby boy. I am tired of the "baby weight" even though I weigh about the same as I did before I got pregnant. I have had a hard time with PPD and getting motivated to get up to exercise is difficult. I would love to have someone to keep me motivated and possibly exercise with. My husband signed up for a weight loss contest at work with the prize being a 5 night cruise (just his weight counts, but if he wins I want to look good in the Carribbean). More than just a fancy cruise I want to be healthy for my son (and future children). I would like to be around to see him grow up. So far myfitnesspal.com has made me realize how unhealthy the choices I make really are.


  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome aboard. This is the easiest way that I've ever tried to lose wt. I wish you success.
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Joyce, I'm a working mum (my husband is a stay at home dad) of an 11 month old boy and find it hard to find the time to exercise. I'm doing OK (almost half way to my goal), but it is slow because i probably don't exercise enough. Welcome to this site - it will really help you and it's great to have people to motivate you. Where are you from? I'm from the UK.
    Anyway, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some motivation - i know i could use some!