my sister made me join..

but i feel kinda weird cause it seems like a womens site, but everything it does looks like a great place... soo i guess this is just my feminie side coming out... haha


  • bnoack83
    bnoack83 Posts: 11
    but i feel kinda weird cause it seems like a womens site, but everything it does looks like a great place... soo i guess this is just my feminie side coming out... haha
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    NO not just for girls.. the guys have lots of fun.... Welcome..and have fun....:bigsmile:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    lol no way...we love our men mfpers!!!! so glad you're here and hope to get to know you too!

    best of luck and high five to your sister!!! who is the lucky lady? is she new too...if so welcome sis!!!

    ali :flowerforyou:
  • bnoack83
    bnoack83 Posts: 11
    yeah her screen name is APNoack1980... thats my sis
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Welcome!! Best of luck! We need more men here! hahaha

  • bnoack83
    bnoack83 Posts: 11
    im sure they will come..... sooner or later... ha
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome to MFP:drinker: Your sister is right to send you here, and there are several men on here so don't feel like the Lone Ranger surrounded by all women:laugh: Just join right in and make yourself at home.:bigsmile:
  • bnoack83
    bnoack83 Posts: 11
    thanks aunt karen... :drinker: what is that hes drinking??? better be a protein shake or sports drink hahaah
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    There's a lot of men on the board--don't let SgtInvincible hear you say "women's site." LOL.

    He's not here right now--in fact, he left this morning to go meet, for the first time, a woman he met here on this board. We're all waiting news from them.

    Lots of other men though--stick around and you'll meet them all.

    And, welcome!


    (getting in some exercise calories here with my smiley!)
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
  • AngelicDevil80
    AngelicDevil80 Posts: 64 Member
    See I told you it wasnt a womens only site :smile: Glad you made a profile :drinker:
  • auranda
    auranda Posts: 59 Member
    And to you for getting your brother on board!!!!! You go girl...and guy!!!:bigsmile:
  • AngelicDevil80
    AngelicDevil80 Posts: 64 Member
    And to you for getting your brother on board!!!!! You go girl...and guy!!!:bigsmile:

    Thanks! If not for him getting me to go for a walk the other night and then inviting me to his gym I probably wouldnt have started exercise just yet. Plus he showed me how to use the weight training equiment. That can be intimadating if you dont understand it haha
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Awesome :) We love to have more men! lol..umm that sounded kinda wrong, but seriously we need all the men we can get..uhmm n/m! lol Welcome! :)
  • ty_bradley01
    ty_bradley01 Posts: 321
    but i feel kinda weird cause it seems like a womens site, but everything it does looks like a great place... soo i guess this is just my feminie side coming out... haha

    HAHA. I understand how you feel, but there's some dudes on here man dont worry haha. This site is a great place for encouragement and awesome friendships. Glad to see you join!

  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    Glad to see you Join! Hope you are having a good day!
  • greysweatshirt
    Hey! There are SOME guys on here!! From Michigan here as well..other side of the state though. Best of luck with your weight loss journey.
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    :flowerforyou: welcome! MIchigan here too
  • NaNaBee12
    NaNaBee12 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! Guys or girls, we all have to do what is good for us. So don't worry about it being more girls than guys! Good luck with your journey and have fun! It is an awesome place!
  • atodaro
    atodaro Posts: 27 Member
    I was a little concerned when I first started to change my life style, cause it seemed like every thing I was reading was aimed at men! Tom Venuto's e-book is a good source of nutrition info.... from a guy.... if you are interested. I also like Craig Ballantines Turbulence Training. But I started with Tom's program, and if I didn't need constant new information to keep me motivated, it probably had everything I needed to know about burning fat and building muscle. That was after I failed at just about every diet out there, from Atkins to SouthBeach to Nutrisystem. Now I'm eating lean (and eating more food than ever) and losing fat and enjoying exercise for the first time in my fifty some years. Good luck!

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