Exercise Thighs

Does anyone else freak out after a hard work out? I used to exercise all the time and then I just stopped, for about a year. I'm fairly active, though, and so it's not been overly terrible but I decided to try a workout with alot of lunges and squats and I swear overnight I gained 3 lbs and my jeans were much tighter on me than they were before. My legs have stayed that way for about a week, at least, and of course now I'm reluctant to do it again. I'm guessing its just because I haven't exercised in so long but it's difficult because I do want to exercise and raise my heart rate, but I'm always so upset by how much I think my thighs expand when I do. I seem to have very muscular legs and I'm thrilled to be strong, but I'm looking to lose some inches in that area, not gain some. Does anyone have any thoughts?


  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    Maybe if your doing those with weights in your hands don't. Do the move but just with your body weight. I'm not sure but when your muscles are stressed maybe they hold more fluids???
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I'd love anyone that can answer this. I feel as though I dropped a little weight last week, but overall I've been really good this week and feel like I've gained (according to my scale and the way my pants are fitting). I've been doing JM's 30 Day Shred along with whatever else I work in, but I don't quite understand why I seem to be getting bigger rather than smaller. It's extremely frustrating! I mean, I like that I'm healthier and all but the main reason I started doing this was to be smaller, not bigger!
  • Echoshill
    Echoshill Posts: 42 Member
    My guess is that by the time I type it, 5 people will have already had something to say, but here goes.

    1) If you gained/lost 3 pounds in one night it is water weight. Would you be bloated for any natural reason?

    2) You can not spot train weight loss. Impossible. Focus on caloric burn and the rest will fall in to place. And the quads are an enormous muscle, it would take a long long long long long long long long time of working them regularly to see any growth. Lots of breaking down and rebuilding with big weight. This, in part, is why you see all the chicken leg guys in the gym. Not enough focus on the legs.

    3) If you really want to loose weight, do not focus on weight training or Plyometrics unless you do so with a hear rate monitor and structure the workout with complex movements. You can read up on this, it will serve you well.

    4) If your goal is weight loss, I recommend against focusing on weights and plyos. Do them because they are important, maybe a half hour a day 2-3 times a week (with a HRM), but focus on cardio with your HR running between 65 and 75% of max. Very important to stay in this range.

    5) I am a triathlete so the last thing I want is big muscle mass, as such, I know how not to get it. I want lean muscle and as little fat as possible. In other words, I do not want to carry weight I can not get Watts out of. Well, except for the fuel my muscles need.

    Last, take a deep breath and relax. Ease your body back in to it because you can get hurt a **** load faster than you can see gains. Hurt yourself bad enough and you are going to be hating life.

    Get a good training program and work it for at least a month before you reevaluate your position. You did not get where you are in a month and you sure as heck are not going to get out of it in a month. Log your calories, religiously, and GET A HEART RATE MONITOR - AND LEARN HOW TO USE IT.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Exercises like pilates and yoga focus on lengthening the muscles too - you might retain water in muscles though if there is a lot of damage (like if you work out too hard and can't walk the next day) and tearing....

    Focus on more reps, less weights (or full range of motion, less reps) and try the pilates/yoga thing.