
Hello out there! My name is Lesley and of course I am here for some encouragement and motivation to lose weight! I gained 80lbs when I was pregnant with my son and have not lost any of the weight since and that was 4 yrs ago! At the beginning of the year I made a vow to myself and my family that I would start a new lifestyle of healthy eating and focusing on my weight and health! I want to be there for my son and I need to get healthy that way I KNOW I can be there! If anyone has any helpful tips on how to jump start this diet PLEASE let me know!!!! I started on Jan 3rd and have lost 4 lbs so far!!! It just doesnt seem like much and Im thinking maybe Im doing something wrong! PLEASE HELP ME!



  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Lesley, You've done great to have lost 4lbs in less than 4 weeks! It's better to take it slowly anyway - i've heard it's more likely to stay off. I've only lost a couple of pounds this month, but am still happy with that. Every little counts!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you need some more motivation!